CH10: Pain in Back, Neck, Extremities Flashcards
ligament running along the ventral surface of the posterior elements and is applied to the inner surface of the laminae (p.212)
Ligamentum Flavum
pain originating from the buttock and is projected along the posterolateral thigh (p. 214)
sagging gluteal fold is indicative of the involvement of which root? (p. 215)
herniated disc lies LATERAL to the nerve root and displaces it medially, pain is relieved by bending the trunk SAME OR OPPOSITE? 9p.215)
herniated disc lies MEDIAL to the nerve root and displaces it laterally, pain is relieved by bending the trunk SAME OR OPPOSITE? 9p.215)
pain and limited motion upon knee extension (p. 215)
Kraus Weber Test
Patient is supine, raising the leg places the sciatic nerve and its roots under tension, thereby producing radicular radiating pain from buttock; good for L5 or S1 (p. 215)
Lasague Sign
Cross straight leg test sign (p. 215)
Fahersztajn sign
Patient supine. Heel of the offending leg is placed on the opposite knee and pain is evoked by depressing the flexed leg and externall rotating the hip (p. 215)
Patrick Test
Patrick test is useful for the diagnosis of what? (p. 215)
Trochanteric bursitis
Described as asymmetrical loss of height of a vertebral body (p. 218)
Compression fracture
Most common site of herniated intervertebral disc (p. 219)
L5- S1
Classic points of Valleix- course of sciatic nerve (p. 219)
Sciatic notch, Retrotrochanteric gutter, Posterior surface of thigh, head of fibula
Variation of Lasague maneuver: pain by dorsiflexion of the foot (p. 220)
Bragard sign
Variation of Lasague maneuver: pain by dorsiflexion of great toe (p. 220)
Sicard sign