CH06: Stance and Gait Flashcards
T/F woman’s steps being quicke and shorter (p. 127)
percent of stance phase (p. 127)
Transection of the neuraxis between the red and vestibular nuclei leads to the exaggeration of these antigravity reflexes (p. 128)
Decerebrate rigidity
Marching in place revealing a rotation in the yaw plane (p. 129)
Unterberger or Fukada stepping tests
marked swaying or falling with the eys closed but not with the eyes open– loss of postural sense not of cerebellar function (p. 129)
Romberg Test
wide base, unsteadiness, irregularity of steps, lateral veering
Cerebellar gait
difference of cerebellar and reeling gait (p. 131)
Short distance able to walk on narrow base
Gait problem with oscillopsia (p. 131)
Gait disorder of vestibulopathy
T/F Gait disorder of vestibilopathy has a positive Romberg sign (p. 131)
Sense of being pushed (pulse) rather than of imbalance (p. 131)
Toppling Gait
Principal observable feature of sensory gait ataxia (p. 131)
Brusqueness of movement, stamping of feet
Most specific clue of gait ataxia (p. 131)
Exaggerated when deprived of visual cues
Patients with this gait, if they fall, they cannot rise without help, cannot get into all fours (p. 131)
Gait ataxia
Feature of this gait is circumduction (p. 132)
Spastic gait
Gait decribed as though wading waist- deep in water (p. 132)
Paraplegic gait
Feature of this gait is a step backward inducing a series of quickening steps or retropulsoin festination (p. 132)
Parkinsonian gait
Gait with waltzing character (p. 134)
Choreoathetotic gait
means severe forward bending of the trunk at the waist (p. 134)
Triad of NPH (p. 135)
Gait problem, incontinence, mental deterioration
term used to descrieb a psychogenic gait disorder; although unable to either stand or walk, display more or less normal use of their legs while in bed and have an otherwise normal PE (p. 137)
Astasia- abasia