Ch.3-Skeletal System Flashcards
What does the skeletal system consist of?
bones, bone marrow, cartilage, joints, ligaments, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, and bursa
What are 5 functions of the skeletal system?
- framework for the body
- support and protect internal organs
- allow for body movement
- store calcium
- store red bone marrow
The tough fibrous tissue that forms the outmost covering of bone.
The dense, hard, and very strong bone layer that forms the protective out layer.
Compact bone
Lighter, and less strong type of bone that is commonly found in the ends and inner portions of long bones.
Spongy bone
Cavity located in the shaft of a long bone and is surrounded by compact bone
Medullary cavity
Tissue that lines the medullary cavity.
Located within the spongy bone and manufactures red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, and thrombocytes.
Red bone marrow
Located within the medullary cavity and functions as a fat storage area.
Yellow bone marrow
Smooth, rubbery, blue-white connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones, and makes up the flexible parts of the skeleton.
Covers the surfaces of bones where they come together to form joints.
articular cartilage
Curved fibrous cartilage found in some joints, such as the knee, and jaw.
The shaft of a long bone
Wide end of the long bone, covered in articular cartilage.
Opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass.
Normal projection on the surface of a bone that serves as an attachment for muscles and tendons.
The place of union between two or more bones
Joints or articulations
Inflexible layers of dense connective tissues which holds the bones tightly together, such as in the skull.
fibrous joints or sutures
Flexible soft spots present on the skull of newborns.
Type of joint that allows slight movement and consist of bones connected entirely by cartilage such as where the ribs connect to the sternum.
cartilaginous joints
Cartilaginous joint that allows some movement to facilitate childbirth
pubic symphysis
Joint where two bones articulate to permit a variety of motions such as ball and socket joints or hinge joints.
synovial joint
The outmost layer of a synovial joint consisting of fibrous tissue that resembles a sleeve as it surrounds the joint.
synovial capsule
Lines the synovial capsule and secretes synovial fluid
synovial membrane
Bands of fibrous tissue that form joints by connecting one bone to another, or joining a bone to cartilage.
Fibrous sac that acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas that are subject to friction, such as the shoulder, elbow, and knee joints where a tendon passes over a bone.
Part of the skeleton that protects major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems
axial skeleton
how many bones are in the axial skeleton?
80 bones
Part of the skeleton that makes movement possible and also protects the organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction.
appendicular skeleton
How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?
126 bones
How many bones form the skull?
8 bones in the cranium
14 bones of the face
6 bones of the middle ear
Which bone forms the forehead?
frontal bone
Which bones form most of the roof and upper sides of the cranium?
parietal bones
Which bone forms the posterior floor and walls of the cranium?
occipital bone
Which bones form the sides and base of the cranium?
temporal bones
Which bone forms part of the base of the skull and parts of the floor and sides of the orbit?
sphenoid bone
Which bone forms part of the posterior portion of the nose, the orbit, and the floor of the cranium?
ethmoid bone
The six tiny bone of the middle ear are known as?
auditory ossicles
The opening of the external auditory canal of the outer ear located in the temporal bone on each side of the skull.
external auditory meatus
The bones that form the upper part of the bridge of the nose.
nasal bones
zygomatic bones
Bones that form most of the upper jaw.
maxillary bones
Bones that form part of the hard palate of the mouth and the floor of the nose
palatine bones
The bones that make up part of the orbit at the inner angle of the eye
lacrimal bones
Thin scroll-like bones that form part of the interior of the nose
inferior conchae
Bone that forms the base for the nasal septum
vomer bone
Joint where the mandible attaches to the skull
temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Bony structure that forms the upper portion of the sternum
Bony structure that forms the middle portion of the sternum
body of the sternum
Structure made of cartilage that forms the lower portion of the sternum
xiphoid process
The shoulder girdle is also known as?
pectoral girdle
Slender bone that connects the manubrium of the sternum to the scapula
clavicle or collar bone
Extension of the scapula that forms the high point of the shoulder
Large projection on the upper end o the ulna
olecranon process or funnybone
8 bones that form the wrist
5 bones that form the palms
14 bones of the fingers
phalanges, phalanx (singular), 3 on each finger (distal, middle, proximal)
How many vertebrae are in each section?
Triangular shaped bone near the base of the spine that forms the lower portion of the back.
The four small fused vertebrae at the end of the spine
coccyx or tailbone
Broad blade-shaped bone that forms the back and sides of the pubic bone
Sightly movable articulation between the sacrum and posterior portion of the ilium
Forms the lower posterior portion of the pubic bone, bears weight of body when sitting
Forms the anterior portion of the pubic bone
Hip socket
Term referring to the posterior space behind the knee where the ligaments, vessels, and muscles related to this joint are located.
The rounded bony protuberance on each side of the ankle
The anklebone that articulates with the tibia and fibula
Heel bone
Dr. that specializes in the manipulative treatment of disorders from misalignment of the spine.
Physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders involving the bones, joints, and muscles.
orthopedic surgeon or orthopedist
Dr that uses traditional forms of medical treatment in addition to specializing in treating problems by spinal manipulation.
Dr. that specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot
The loss, or absence, of mobility in a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure
Stiffness of the joints
inflammation of a bursa
Abnormal softening of cartilage
slow-growing benign tumor derived from cartilage cells
inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the sternum
abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great tow
hallux valgus or bunion
blood within a joint
inflammation of the synovial membrane
spinal osteoarthritis
deposits of uric acid in the joints
gouty arthritis or gout
chronic autoimmune disorder in which the joints and some organs are attacked
rheumatoid arthritis
form of RA that primarily causes inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae
ankylosing spondylitis
low back pain is also called
forward slipping movement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae on the vertebrae or sacrum below it
congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when the spinal canal fails to close completely around the spinal cord to protect it
spina bifida
abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine
abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine
abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
malformation of the skull due to premature closure of the cranial sutures
bone disorder of unknown cause that destroys normal bone structure and replaces it with fibrous tissue
fibrous dysplasia
bone disease where there is excessive breakdown of bone tissue, followed by abnormal bone formation
Paget’s disease
Disease in children that results in defective bone growth caused by lack of vit D
congenital deformity of the foot involving the talus
talipes or clubfoot
Rare malignant tumor that originates in a bone
primary bone cancer
tumors that have metastasized (spread) to bones from other organs.
secondary bone cancer
type of cancer that occurs in blood-making cells in the red bone marrow
benign bony projection covered with cartilage
type of fracture where a bone compresses on itself
compression fracture
fracture of the lower end of the radius when a person tries to stop a fall
Colles’ fracture
broken hip
osteoporotic hip fracture
fracture in which the bone is broken but there is no open wound
closed fracture, simple fracture, complete fracture
fracture where bone is broken and there is an open wound
open fracture, compound fracture
fracture where bone is splintered or crushed
comminuted fracture
fracture where bone is bent and only partially broken-primarily occurs in children
greenstick fracture, incomplete fracture
fracture that occurs at an angle across the bone
oblique fracture
when a weakened bone breaks under normal strain
pathologic fracture
fracture where bone has been twisted apart
spiral fracture
small crack in the bone that often develops from chronic excessive impact
stress fracture
fracture that occurs straight across the bone
transverse fracture
Can form when a long bone is fractured and fat cells from yellow bone marrow are released into the blood and can block the blood vessel
fat embolus
grating sound heard in joints, or crackling sound heard in lungs affected with pneumonia
crepitation or crepitus
forms as a bulging deposit around the area of a broken bone, also thickening of skin
visual examination of the internal structure of a joint
procedure where sound waves take measurements of the calcaneus to test for loss of bone mass
ultrasonic bone density testing
test that uses low-exposure radiographic measurement of the spine and hips to measure bone density
dual x-ray absorptiometry
bone marrow transplant from compatible donor
allogenic bone marrow transplant
originating within another
bone marrow transplant from their own treated marrow
autologous bone marrow transplant
originating within an individual
mechanical appliance such as a leg brace
substitute for missing body part
surgical fusion of two bones to stiffen a joint
surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint
minimally invasive procedure for the treatment to the interior of a joint
arthroscopic surgery
surgical removal of a bursa
surgical repair of damaged cartilage
surgical removal of a synovial membrane
Another word for joint replacement
replacement of a worn or failed implant
revision surgery
procedure where a thin tube is inserted in the back to suction out ruptured disk or to vaporize it
percutaneous diskectomy
procedure where bone cement is injected to stabilize compression fractures within the spinal column from osteoporosis
percutaneous vertebroplasty
attempted realignment of the bone involved in a fracture using manually applied forces and then immobilization
closed reduction or manipulation
pulling force exerted on a limb in a distal direction in an effort to return the bone or joint to normal alignment
fracture treatment where pins are placed through soft tissues and bone to hold in place, removed when complete
external fixation
fracture treatment where a plate or pins are placed directly into the bone to hold broken pieces in place, usually not removed
internal fixation or open reduction internal fixation (ORIF)