Ch29 Key Terms - Water Related Emergencies Flashcards
A condition that occurs immediately after rapid ascent in which air bubbles enter the bloodstream from a ruptured alveolus and lodge in an artery.
Arterial gas embolism (AGE)
Trauma that is caused by differences in pressure between the body and the environment
Formation of nitrogen bubbles in tissues from being underwater too long or ascending too rapidly.
Decompression sickness (OCS)
The process of respiratory impairment caused by submersion or immersion in a liquid.
Spasm of the vocal cords that prevents air movement through the respiratory tract.
A protective response when the body is immersed or submerged in extremely cold water whereby the metabolic and heart rates slow significantly, reducing oxygen demand and conserving oxygen.
Mammalian diving reflex
Severe pain when the pressure inside an organ or body cavity cannot adjust to increased external pressure.