Ch22 Practice Questions Flashcards
Which of the following structures works like a camera shutter to adjust the amount of light entering the eye?
A) The sclera
B) The iris
C) The lens
D) The posterior chamber
Which of the following structures works like a camera shutter to adjust the amount of light entering the eye? A) The sclera B) The iris C) The lens D) The posterior chamber
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 544 Objective: 22-1
Which of the following statements concerning the eye socket or orbit is false?
A) It is easy to injure the orbital bones.
B) It protects the fluid-filled eyeball.
C) It anchors the muscles that control voluntary eye movement.
D) It is formed by the skull and facial bones.
Which of the following statements concerning the eye socket or orbit is false?
A) It is easy to injure the orbital bones.
B) It protects the fluid-filled eyeball.
C) It anchors the muscles that control voluntary eye movement.
D) It is formed by the skull and facial bones.
Ans: A
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 544 Objective: 22-1
You are assessing a patient who was punched in the eye. You note blood in the white part of his eye. This area of the eye is known as the:
A) sclera.
B) cornea.
C) lens.
D) retina.
You are assessing a patient who was punched in the eye. You note blood in the white part of his eye. This area of the eye is known as the: A) sclera. B) cornea. C) lens. D) retina.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 544-545 Objective: 22-1
The part of the eye that focuses light on the retina is called the:
A) vitreous humor.
B) sclera.
C) lens.
D) iris.
The part of the eye that focuses light on the retina is called the: A) vitreous humor. B) sclera. C) lens. D) iris.
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 545 Objective: 22-1
Light stimulates nerve endings in which of the following structures to send signals to the brain via the optic nerves?
A) Retina
B) Iris
C) Lachrymal glands
D) Lens
Light stimulates nerve endings in which of the following structures to send signals to the brain via the optic nerves? A) Retina B) Iris C) Lachrymal glands D) Lens
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 545 Objective: 22-1
A 15-year-old girl struck in the mouth with a baseball bat has lost her front teeth and is spitting a significant amount of blood. Your primary concern in treating this patient is:
A) saving her teeth so they can be re-implanted.
B) checking her for a jaw fracture.
C) watching her for seizure activity.
D) observing her for possible airway compromise.
A 15-year-old girl struck in the mouth with a baseball bat has lost her front teeth and is spitting a significant amount of blood. Your primary concern in treating this patient is:
A) saving her teeth so they can be re-implanted.
B) checking her for a jaw fracture.
C) watching her for seizure activity.
D) observing her for possible airway compromise.
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Assessment of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 550 Objective: 22-5
You are on a snowmobiling trip with friends when you see members of the lead group hollering and waving their hands up ahead. When you get to the scene, you note that the lead rider apparently did not see a chain across the road, and he struck the chain with his neck so forcefully that he was thrown backward off his machine. Someone in the group is maintaining manual in-line stabilization. When you assess the injured person, which of the following signs would indicate the injury that must be addressed and managed first?
A) Difficulty speaking
B) A laceration to the forehead
C) An open fracture of the left arm
D) A partially avulsed ear
You are on a snowmobiling trip with friends when you see members of the lead group hollering and waving their hands up ahead. When you get to the scene, you note that the lead rider apparently did not see a chain across the road, and he struck the chain with his neck so forcefully that he was thrown backward off his machine. Someone in the group is maintaining manual in-line stabilization. When you assess the injured person, which of the following signs would indicate the injury that must be addressed and managed first? A) Difficulty speaking B) A laceration to the forehead C) An open fracture of the left arm D) A partially avulsed ear
Ans: A
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Assessment of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 550 Objective: 22-5
While running outside the lodge, a teenage girl tripped and fell. She hit her face and mouth, knocking one of her top front teeth from its socket. Although she is upset, you have assessed no threats to life, and the bleeding has been controlled. Your partner finds the tooth and asks you what to do with it. Which of the following responses would be best?
A) “Wrap the tooth in dry gauze and put it in a plastic bag placed in cool water.”
B) “Avoid touching the root of the tooth. We will gently irrigate it and place it back in its socket.”
C) “Scrub the base of the tooth to be sure it’s clean and then we’ll place it back in its socket.”
D) “Just put it in dry gauze and bring it with you. They probably won’t be able to do anything with it.”
While running outside the lodge, a teenage girl tripped and fell. She hit her face and mouth, knocking one of her top front teeth from its socket. Although she is upset, you have assessed no threats to life, and the bleeding has been controlled. Your partner finds the tooth and asks you what to do with it. Which of the following responses would be best?
A) “Wrap the tooth in dry gauze and put it in a plastic bag placed in cool water.”
B) “Avoid touching the root of the tooth. We will gently irrigate it and place it back in its socket.”
C) “Scrub the base of the tooth to be sure it’s clean and then we’ll place it back in its socket.”
D) “Just put it in dry gauze and bring it with you. They probably won’t be able to do anything with it.”
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 552 Objective: 22-5
You are caring for a 15-year-old male with a laceration of the left ear. Which of the following actions would you not take in dressing this injury?
A) Placing a bulky dressing between the ear and the scalp
B) Securing the dressing with gauze that is wrapped securely around the head
C) Using direct pressure to control the bleeding
D) Wrapping gauze loosely around the head and under the opposite axilla
You are caring for a 15-year-old male with a laceration of the left ear. Which of the following actions would you not take in dressing this injury?
A) Placing a bulky dressing between the ear and the scalp
B) Securing the dressing with gauze that is wrapped securely around the head
C) Using direct pressure to control the bleeding
D) Wrapping gauze loosely around the head and under the opposite axilla
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 552 Objective: 22-2
A mother brings her 7-year-old child to the aid room and tells you that fluid is draining from the child’s right ear. She tells you that the child has had a fever since this morning and was complaining of right ear pain. Based on your OEC training, you would:
A) use a 4 x 4 to pack the ear and then bandage it securely using gauze around the head.
B) put a pressure dressing over the ear to stop the drainage.
C) have the boy lie on his right side to allow the fluid to drain.
D) arrange for ALS transportation immediately.
A mother brings her 7-year-old child to the aid room and tells you that fluid is draining from the child’s right ear. She tells you that the child has had a fever since this morning and was complaining of right ear pain. Based on your OEC training, you would:
A) use a 4 x 4 to pack the ear and then bandage it securely using gauze around the head.
B) put a pressure dressing over the ear to stop the drainage.
C) have the boy lie on his right side to allow the fluid to drain.
D) arrange for ALS transportation immediately.
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 552 Objective: 22-2
A young boy was running through the lodge with a pencil and tripped. The pencil impaled the boy’s left eye and remains lodged in place. Appropriate care for the eye would include:
A) stabilizing the impaled object and providing immediate transport.
B) quickly removing the pencil from the eye to prevent the loss of vision.
C) applying ice to the affected eye to decrease pressure and reduce subsequent damage.
D) applying gentle pressure to the pencil and the eye to keep the pencil from moving.
A young boy was running through the lodge with a pencil and tripped. The pencil impaled the boy’s left eye and remains lodged in place. Appropriate care for the eye would include:
A) stabilizing the impaled object and providing immediate transport.
B) quickly removing the pencil from the eye to prevent the loss of vision.
C) applying ice to the affected eye to decrease pressure and reduce subsequent damage.
D) applying gentle pressure to the pencil and the eye to keep the pencil from moving.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 553-554 [OEC Skill 22-1] Objective: 22-3
During an altercation, your patient was cut with a sharp knife. Your assessment reveals a laceration across the right eyelid down to the right cheek that is oozing dark red blood. It also appears that the patient’s eye was cut with the knife. You would:
A) apply direct pressure to the eyelid and the eye to control the bleeding.
B) apply cold packs to the eyelid to decrease swelling.
C) clean the incisions with sterile water.
D) cover both eyes with a sterile dressing.
During an altercation, your patient was cut with a sharp knife. Your assessment reveals a laceration across the right eyelid down to the right cheek that is oozing dark red blood. It also appears that the patient’s eye was cut with the knife. You would:
A) apply direct pressure to the eyelid and the eye to control the bleeding.
B) apply cold packs to the eyelid to decrease swelling.
C) clean the incisions with sterile water.
D) cover both eyes with a sterile dressing.
Ans: D
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 554 Objective: 22-10
What instructions would you give to an OEC candidate who asks how to treat a patient who has visible blood in the anterior chamber of the eye?
A) “It is important to keep the pressure in the eye low, so we will transport this patient in a sitting position.”
B) “Apply a cold pack to the eye and transport this patient immediately.”
C) “Put a shield over the eye and bandage tightly to apply some pressure to the eye.”
D) “Put a shield over the eye and cover both eyes before immediately transporting this patient.”
What instructions would you give to an OEC candidate who asks how to treat a patient who has visible blood in the anterior chamber of the eye?
A) “It is important to keep the pressure in the eye low, so we will transport this patient in a sitting position.”
B) “Apply a cold pack to the eye and transport this patient immediately.”
C) “Put a shield over the eye and bandage tightly to apply some pressure to the eye.”
D) “Put a shield over the eye and cover both eyes before immediately transporting this patient.”
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 554 Objective: 22-10
A patient who was hit in the face with a cloud of dust while working in an industrial setting is complaining of pain and discomfort to his left eye. While performing your assessment on the eye, you note some redness of the globe but do not see any obvious foreign object. The most appropriate care you can provide to this patient would be to:
A) flush eye with copious amounts of water.
B) carefully wipe the eye with a soft piece of sterile gauze.
C) gently massage the eye to promote tearing.
D) have the patient keep his eye open during transport to a medical facility.
A patient who was hit in the face with a cloud of dust while working in an industrial setting is complaining of pain and discomfort to his left eye. While performing your assessment on the eye, you note some redness of the globe but do not see any obvious foreign object. The most appropriate care you can provide to this patient would be to:
A) flush eye with copious amounts of water.
B) carefully wipe the eye with a soft piece of sterile gauze.
C) gently massage the eye to promote tearing.
D) have the patient keep his eye open during transport to a medical facility.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 555 Objective: 22-10
A young girl is complaining of eye pain after having bleach thrown in her face. When assessing her eyes, you note redness and significant tearing in the right eye. You would treat this girl by:
A) stopping the tearing by applying gentle pressure to the eye.
B) covering both eyes immediately.
C) flushing the eye with sterile water.
D) gently wiping the inner eye with pieces of sterile gauze.
A young girl is complaining of eye pain after having bleach thrown in her face. When assessing her eyes, you note redness and significant tearing in the right eye. You would treat this girl by:
A) stopping the tearing by applying gentle pressure to the eye.
B) covering both eyes immediately.
C) flushing the eye with sterile water.
D) gently wiping the inner eye with pieces of sterile gauze.
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 555 Objective: 22-10
You have responded to a scene at which a young man tells you he splashed a chemical into his eye. He is complaining of burning and pain in his right eye. After performing a primary assessment and finding no life-threatening conditions, you would:
A) obtain a set of vital signs and SAMPLE.
B) identify the exact chemical involved so that you can get the antidote.
C) hold the patient’s injured eye open and flush it with large amounts of sterile water from the nose to the outer edge of the eye.
D) instruct the patient to keep his eyes closed and not rub them while you arrange for emergency transport.
You have responded to a scene at which a young man tells you he splashed a chemical into his eye. He is complaining of burning and pain in his right eye. After performing a primary assessment and finding no life-threatening conditions, you would:
A) obtain a set of vital signs and SAMPLE.
B) identify the exact chemical involved so that you can get the antidote.
C) hold the patient’s injured eye open and flush it with large amounts of sterile water from the nose to the outer edge of the eye.
D) instruct the patient to keep his eyes closed and not rub them while you arrange for emergency transport.
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 555 Objective: 22-10
You respond to the vehicle maintenance department, where a middle-aged man is flushing his eyes with tap water. He tells you that acid splashed in his eyes and that they are burning. Which of the following questions is the most important one to ask right away?
A) “What is your past medical history?”
B) “Are you wearing contact lenses?”
C) “Do you take any medications?”
D) “Have you ever had a previous eye injury?”
You respond to the vehicle maintenance department, where a middle-aged man is flushing his eyes with tap water. He tells you that acid splashed in his eyes and that they are burning. Which of the following questions is the most important one to ask right away?
A) “What is your past medical history?”
B) “Are you wearing contact lenses?”
C) “Do you take any medications?”
D) “Have you ever had a previous eye injury?”
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 556 Objective: 22-9
You are assisting another OEC technician to treat a young male with a deep laceration on his neck. Your partner appears to have controlled the bleeding. He asks you to apply an occlusive dressing. In addition to helping to control the bleeding, you recognize that another important benefit to this type of dressing on a neck wound is:
A) preventing a cervical collar from irritating the wound.
B) promoting clot formation to prevent further bleeding.
C) preventing the entry of air into the circulatory system.
D) providing neck stabilization.
You are assisting another OEC technician to treat a young male with a deep laceration on his neck. Your partner appears to have controlled the bleeding. He asks you to apply an occlusive dressing. In addition to helping to control the bleeding, you recognize that another important benefit to this type of dressing on a neck wound is:
A) preventing a cervical collar from irritating the wound.
B) promoting clot formation to prevent further bleeding.
C) preventing the entry of air into the circulatory system.
D) providing neck stabilization.
Ans: C
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Management of Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Subject: Chapter 22 Title: Face, Eye, and Neck Injuries Feedback: 557 Objective: 22-10