Ch20 Practice Questions Flashcards
Which of the following functions is not one of the several functions of bones?
A) Providing structure and form for body tissues
B) Protecting vital organs
C) Responding to sensory nerve stimulation to protect skin and other tissues
D) Producing red blood cells
Which of the following functions is not one of the several functions of bones?
A) Providing structure and form for body tissues
B) Protecting vital organs
C) Responding to sensory nerve stimulation to protect skin and other tissues
D) Producing red blood cells
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Chapter Overview Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 434 Objective: 20-1.1
The inside layer of a joint capsule where cells make a viscous fluid for lubricating the joint is the:
A) synovium.
B) cartilage.
C) callus.
D) fascia.
The inside layer of a joint capsule where cells make a viscous fluid for lubricating the joint is the: A) synovium. B) cartilage. C) callus. D) fascia.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 435 Objective: 20-1.1
The outermost part of a bone is a tough lining known as:
A) the cortex.
B) articular cartilage.
C) synovium.
D) the periosteum.
The outermost part of a bone is a tough lining known as: A) the cortex. B) articular cartilage. C) synovium. D) the periosteum.
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 435 Objective: 20-1.1
An example of a joint that permits very little movement of the bones involved is the:
A) hip.
B) shoulder.
C) acromioclavicular.
D) elbow.
An example of a joint that permits very little movement of the bones involved is the: A) hip. B) shoulder. C) acromioclavicular. D) elbow.
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 435 Objective: 20-1.1
Which of the following terms does not describe a type of joint?
A) Ball-and-socket
B) Hinge
C) Slightly moveable
D) Post
Which of the following terms does not describe a type of joint? A) Ball-and-socket B) Hinge C) Slightly moveable D) Post
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 436 Objective: 20-1.1
During your SAMPLE inquiry, a patient reports that he had surgery to repair a torn ligament. Based on your training, you know that a ligament is:
A) a thick muscle that surrounds a joint.
B) a tissue that stabilizes two contiguous bone ends.
C) a muscle that connects to a bone.
D) connective tissue that connects muscle and bone.
During your SAMPLE inquiry, a patient reports that he had surgery to repair a torn ligament. Based on your training, you know that a ligament is:
A) a thick muscle that surrounds a joint.
B) a tissue that stabilizes two contiguous bone ends.
C) a muscle that connects to a bone.
D) connective tissue that connects muscle and bone.
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy
Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology
Subject: Chapter 20
Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries
The type of muscle found in the forearm is:
A) skeletal muscle.
B) smooth muscle.
C) cardiac muscle.
D) contractor muscle.
The type of muscle found in the forearm is: A) skeletal muscle. B) smooth muscle. C) cardiac muscle. D) contractor muscle.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 437 Objective: 20-1.1
The structure responsible for transmitting the force of a contracting skeletal muscle to a bone is a:
A) tendon.
B) ligament.
C) cartilage.
D) joint.
The structure responsible for transmitting the force of a contracting skeletal muscle to a bone is a: A) tendon. B) ligament. C) cartilage. D) joint.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 437 Objective: 20-1.1
While you are putting wood into your wood stove, your hand comes in contact with the hot surface. Your body responds by pulling your hand away from the heat. How is this action accomplished?
A) One or more skeletal muscles receive a signal from the brain to contract.
B) The smooth muscles in the arm automatically respond to heat.
C) You use conscious thought to pull your hand from the heat.
D) Extension of the ligaments in the elbow joint pulls the lower arm up.
While you are putting wood into your wood stove, your hand comes in contact with the hot surface. Your body responds by pulling your hand away from the heat. How is this action accomplished?
A) One or more skeletal muscles receive a signal from the brain to contract.
B) The smooth muscles in the arm automatically respond to heat.
C) You use conscious thought to pull your hand from the heat.
D) Extension of the ligaments in the elbow joint pulls the lower arm up.
Ans: A
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: The Physiology of Movement Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 438 Objective: 20-1.1
Which of the following statements about skeletal (voluntary) muscles is true?
A) They are mostly located on the torso of the body.
B) They make up less mass in the body than do involuntary muscles.
C) They have the ability to cause movement by extending.
D) They generally connect to the skeletal system.
Which of the following statements about skeletal (voluntary) muscles is true?
A) They are mostly located on the torso of the body.
B) They make up less mass in the body than do involuntary muscles.
C) They have the ability to cause movement by extending.
D) They generally connect to the skeletal system.
Ans: D
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: The Physiology of Movement Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 438 Objective: 20-1.1
A fracture of a bone will cause bleeding, and a hematoma forms around the fracture site. Over the next several weeks, this hematoma organizes into a substance called:
A) a callus.
B) calcium.
C) cartilage.
D) a synovium.
A fracture of a bone will cause bleeding, and a hematoma forms around the fracture site. Over the next several weeks, this hematoma organizes into a substance called: A) a callus. B) calcium. C) cartilage. D) a synovium.
Ans: A
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: The Physiology of Movement Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 438 Objective: 20-1.2
Which of the following statements about musculoskeletal injuries is true?
A) A sprain is an injury to a joint that involves the stretching or tearing of ligaments.
B) Strains are injuries that occur to ligaments and to the joints to which they are attached.
C) A fracture occurs when a tendon connecting a muscle to a bone is overstretched and becomes injured.
D) A dislocation occurs when a bone that forms part of a joint is broken.
Which of the following statements about musculoskeletal injuries is true?
A) A sprain is an injury to a joint that involves the stretching or tearing of ligaments.
B) Strains are injuries that occur to ligaments and to the joints to which they are attached.
C) A fracture occurs when a tendon connecting a muscle to a bone is overstretched and becomes injured.
D) A dislocation occurs when a bone that forms part of a joint is broken.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 439 Objective: 20-1.3
Which of the following musculoskeletal tissues does not heal well?
A) Tendon
B) Ligament
C) Muscle
D) Cartilage
Which of the following musculoskeletal tissues does not heal well? A) Tendon B) Ligament C) Muscle D) Cartilage
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 439 Objective: 20-1.2
A patient for whom you recently provided care stops by to thank you. He reports that he was diagnosed with a strain to his lower right leg. Which of the following structures is the primary structure affected in that injury?
A) A joint
B) A ligament
C) A muscle
D) A bone
A patient for whom you recently provided care stops by to thank you. He reports that he was diagnosed with a strain to his lower right leg. Which of the following structures is the primary structure affected in that injury? A) A joint B) A ligament C) A muscle D) A bone
Ans: C
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 439-440 Objective: 20-1.3
Your secondary assessment of a patient who is complaining of pain in his right leg reveals an opening in the skin where the fractured tibia broke through the skin and retreated back into the leg. You would recognize this injury as a(n):
A) open fracture.
B) closed fracture.
C) laceration.
D) partial fracture.
Your secondary assessment of a patient who is complaining of pain in his right leg reveals an opening in the skin where the fractured tibia broke through the skin and retreated back into the leg. You would recognize this injury as a(n): A) open fracture. B) closed fracture. C) laceration. D) partial fracture.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 440 Objective: 20-1.5
The finding that upon muscle contraction the active motion of a joint is reduced or lost suggests:
A) a dislocation.
B) a ligament strain.
C) torn cartilage.
D) a ruptured tendon.
The finding that upon muscle contraction the active motion of a joint is reduced or lost suggests: A) a dislocation. B) a ligament strain. C) torn cartilage. D) a ruptured tendon.
Ans: D
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 440 Objective: 20-1.5
Which of the following statements indicates that an OEC technician has a good understanding of what a joint dislocation is?
A) “If a joint is dislocated, the patient can move it without pain.”
B) “A dislocation is a separation or displacement of the bones of a joint.”
C) “A distal pulse is absent only in the case of a fracture.”
D) “Patients with a joint dislocation experience very little pain.”
Which of the following statements indicates that an OEC technician has a good understanding of what a joint dislocation is?
A) “If a joint is dislocated, the patient can move it without pain.”
B) “A dislocation is a separation or displacement of the bones of a joint.”
C) “A distal pulse is absent only in the case of a fracture.”
D) “Patients with a joint dislocation experience very little pain.”
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 441 Objective: 20-1.4
Displacement of the bones of a joint is known as:
A) a dislocation.
B) a fracture.
C) a strain.
D) a sprain.
Displacement of the bones of a joint is known as: A) a dislocation. B) a fracture. C) a strain. D) a sprain.
Ans: A
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 441 Objective: 20-1.4
The most commonly dislocated joint in the body is:
A) the elbow.
B) the shoulder.
C) the thumb.
D) a knee.
The most commonly dislocated joint in the body is: A) the elbow. B) the shoulder. C) the thumb. D) a knee.
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Common Musculoskeletal Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 442 Objective: 20-1.5
Your patient fell 20 feet onto his shoulder. Which of the following signs or symptoms indicates the highest probability that the humerus has been fractured?
A) Angulation
B) Pain in the right upper arm
C) Swelling in the upper arm
D) Decreased sensation in the right hand
Your patient fell 20 feet onto his shoulder. Which of the following signs or symptoms indicates the highest probability that the humerus has been fractured? A) Angulation B) Pain in the right upper arm C) Swelling in the upper arm D) Decreased sensation in the right hand
Ans: A
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 450 Objective: 20-1.4
Your friend tells you that he wants to try snowboarding. He is concerned about his safety and asks you which type of fracture is most common in snowboarders. You learned in your OEC training that this injury involves the:
A) humerus.
B) elbow.
C) tibia.
D) radius.
Your friend tells you that he wants to try snowboarding. He is concerned about his safety and asks you which type of fracture is most common in snowboarders. You learned in your OEC training that this injury involves the: A) humerus. B) elbow. C) tibia. D) radius.
Ans: D
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 452 Objective: 20-1.5
A common injury to the carpal bones among snowboarders who fall forward on an outstretched hand is a fractured:
A) scaphoid.
B) ulna.
C) radius.
D) thumb.
A common injury to the carpal bones among snowboarders who fall forward on an outstretched hand is a fractured: A) scaphoid. B) ulna. C) radius. D) thumb.
Ans: A
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 453 Objective: 20-1.5
A snowboarder’s fall over the toe side of the board onto an outstretched hand is known as the:
A) “Drop back.”
B) “Twist.”
C) “Dog drag.”
D) “Mousetrap.”
A snowboarder’s fall over the toe side of the board onto an outstretched hand is known as the: A) “Drop back.” B) “Twist.” C) “Dog drag.” D) “Mousetrap.”
Ans: D
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 453 Objective: 20-1.5
Which of the following statements would you make to the parent of a 10-year-old snowboarder who took a hard fall and complains of some discomfort in a wrist that is slightly swollen but has no deformity?
A) “It’s probably just a sprain.”
B) “The child needs to be medically evaluated to ensure there is not a fracture.”
C) “This is probably a pathologic fracture.”
D) “This looks like an open fracture.”
Which of the following statements would you make to the parent of a 10-year-old snowboarder who took a hard fall and complains of some discomfort in a wrist that is slightly swollen but has no deformity?
A) “It’s probably just a sprain.”
B) “The child needs to be medically evaluated to ensure there is not a fracture.”
C) “This is probably a pathologic fracture.”
D) “This looks like an open fracture.”
Ans: B
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries Subject: Chapter 20 Title: Musculoskeletal Injuries Feedback: 453 Objective: 20-1.4