Ch.13 (book) Flashcards
a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that brings psychological principles to bear on influencing the client’s thoughts, feelings, or behavior to help the client overcome psychological disorders, adjust to problems in living, or develop as an individual
a historic institution for the care of the mentally ill
psychodynamic therapy
a type of psychotherapy that is based on Freud’s thinking and assumes that psychological problems reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts
Freud’s method of psychotherapy
in psychoanalysis, the expression of repressed feelings and impulses to allow the release of the psychic energy associated with them
free association
in psychoanalysis, the uncensored uttering of all thoughts that come to mind
the tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas—a reflection of the defense mechanism of repression
responding to one person (such as a psychoanalyst) in a way similar to how one responded to another person (such as a parent) in childhood
wish fulfillment
in dreams, the acting-out of ideas and impulses that are repressed when one is conscious
ego analyst
a psychodynamically oriented therapist who focuses on the conscious, coping behavior of the ego instead of the hypothesized, unconscious functioning of the id
humanistic therapy
a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the client’s subjective, conscious experience in the “here and now”
client-centered therapy
Rogers’s method of psychotherapy that emphasizes the creation of a warm, therapeutic atmosphere that frees clients to engage in self-exploration and self-expression
Gestalt therapy
Perls’s form of psychotherapy that attempts to integrate conflicting parts of the personality through directive methods designed to help clients perceive their whole selves
behavior therapy
systematic application of the principles of learning to the direct modification of a client’s problem behaviors
systematic desensitization
Wolpe’s method for reducing fears by associating a hierarchy of images of fear-evoking stimuli with deep muscle relaxation
a behavior-therapy technique in which a client observes and imitates a person who approaches and copes with feared objects or situations
aversive conditioning
a behavior-therapy technique in which undesired responses are inhibited by pairing repugnant or offensive stimuli with them
cognitive therapy
a form of therapy that focuses on how clients’ cognitions (e.g., expectations, attitudes, and beliefs) lead to distress and may be modified to relieve distress and promote adaptive behavior
biofeedback training (BFT)
the systematic feeding-back to an organism of information about a bodily function so that the organism can gain control of that function
social skills training
a behavior-therapy method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes self-monitoring, behavior rehearsal, and feedback
successive approximations
in operant conditioning, a series of behaviors that gradually become more similar to a target behavior
token economy
a controlled environment in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with tokens (such as poker chips) that may be exchanged for privileges
rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
Ellis’s form of therapy that encourages clients to challenge and correct irrational expectations and maladaptive behaviors
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
an approach to therapy that uses cognitive and behavioral techniques that have been validated by research