Human resource management (HRM
activities managers perform to plan, attract, and retain an effective workforce
human capital
economic/productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and actions
knowledge worker
someone whose job is concerned w generating or interpreting info instead of actual labor
social capital
economic/productive potential of strong and cooperative relationship
Strategic HRM process
Plan HR needed
Recruit and select people
Train and develop people
Perform appraisals
the purpose of strategic HR management
-understand current employee needs
-predict future employee needs
Job analysis
Determining the basic elements of a job by observation and analysis.
Job description
Summarizes what the holder of the job does and how and why he or she
does it
Job specification
Describes the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform a
job successfully
HR inventory
a report losing orgs employees by name, education, training, etc
recruitment process
Process of attracting qualified applicants for jobs
open in the organization
internal hiring vs external
hiring from inside vs hiring from outside
internal pros
Morale and loyalty is higher
Process of interviewing and ads is cheaper
Fewer risks and candidates are alr familiar w the org
internal cons
Restricts the competition and limits talent
May encourage employees to assume that seniority will result in a promotion
Whenever job is filled it creates vacancy somewhere else
external pros
Applications may have specialized knowledge and experiences
Applications may have fresh viewpoints
external cons
The recruitment process is more expensive and longer
The risks are higher since there random
most effective external recruitment methods
Employee refereles
E-recruitment tools
realistic job preview
Gives a candidate a picture of pros and cons and
features of the job and org before joining
selection process definition
Screening of job applicants to hire the best candidate
selection process components
Background info
Employee tests
unstructured interview
No fixed questions or systematic scoring
Involves asking questions to find out what person is like
structered interveiw
sking candidates all the same questions and comparing
includes situational and behaviorial interview
situational interview
focuses on hypothetical situations
behavioral interview
Explore what applicants have done in the past
abilitiy tests
measures physical abilities of candidates such as strength, mental, mechanical,e tc
performance tests
measures performance on actual job tasks
persoanlity tests
measure personality traits such as adaptability, social intelligence, etc
integrity tests
assess candidates honesty, trust worthiness, integrity
wages, incentives, benefits
Base pay
basic wage paid to employees for doing their job
commissions, bonuses, stock options
health insurance, dental insurance
programs that help employes integrate into the job and help employees with corporate culture, policies, and their responsibilities
helps fit smoothly into the job and gives info they need to be successful including job routine, mission and operations, benefits etc.
Five steps in the learning and development process
Assessment-is learning ad dev needed
Objectives-what should learning and dev achieve
Selection-which learning and dev should be used
Implementation-how should learning and dev be effected
Evaluation- is learning and dev working
on the job learn/dev
coaching, training positions, planned work activities
off the job learn/dev
classroom programs, simulation, videos
mircro learning
segments learning into bite sized content to ensure mastery before next topic
Performance management
Set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining, monitoring and evaluating, reviewing, and providing consequences
performance management order
1-define perfromance objectives
2-monitor and evalute performance
3-review performance and deliver feedback
4- provide consequences and administer rewards or punishment
Perf. appraisal
assess employee performance and gives feedback
(objective and subjective)
objective appraisal
Based on facts often numerical -has reduced bias
Subjective appraisal
Based on managers perceptions of employees and traits and behaviors
Uses the BARS-rates employees on a scale
360 degree assesment
360 degree assessment
Employees appraised by not only managers but by peers, clients, et
Forced ranking
All employees within a unit rank against one another
Top performed given rewards while worst performers may be dismissed
how to give Effective performance feedback
Deliver at least one positive message to balance neg feedback
get employees input
follow up
Privacy Act
employees legal right to examine letters of reference concerning
Immigration Reform & Control Act
Requires employers to verify the eligibility for employment of all their
new hires
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Prohibits employers from demoting/ firing employees who raise
accusations of fraud to a federal agency
Employee Retirement Income Security
Sets rules for managing pension plans; provides federal
insurance to cover bankrupt plans
Family & Medical Leave Act
Requires employers to provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave
for medical and family reasons,
Health Insurance Portability &
Accountability Act (HIPP
Allows employees to switch health insurance plans when
changing jobs and receive new coverage regardless of
preexisting health conditions;
Fair Minimum Wage Act
increased minimum wage
Occupational Safety & Health Act
Establishes minimum health and safety standards in
Consolidated Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
Requires an extension of health insurance benefits after
Age Discrimination in Employment
Prohibits discrimination in employees over 40 years old;
restricts mandatory retirement
Patient Protection & Affordable Care
Employers with more than 50 employees must provide
health insurance
Equal Pay Act
Requires men and women be paid equally for performing equal
Americans with Disabilities Act
Prohibits discrimination against essentially qualified employees
with physical or mental disabilities or chronic illness;
Civil Rights Act, Title VII
Prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, or sexual orientation
Civil Rights Act
Amends and clarifies Title VII, ADA, and other laws; permits
suits against employers for punitive damages in cases of
intentional discriminatio
people hired or promoted, or denied hired or promotion, for reasons not relevant to actual job
Adverse impact-
org uses employment practice or procedure that results in unfavorable outcomes to protected class
Disparate treatment
employees from protected groups are intentionally treated differently
Affirmative action steps
Active recruitment from discriminated groups
Elimination of prejudicial questions
Establishment of minority hiring goals
Sexual harassment
Consists of unwanted sexual attention
-quid pro quo
-hostile env
quid pro quo
puts themselves at risk of not getting hired or not getting job benefits or opportunities unless they agree
hostile env
doesn’t risk economic harm but experiences an offensive work environment.
Two tier wage contracts-
new employees are paid less and less benefits than veteran employees
Cost of living adjustment
ties future wage increases to increases in the cost of living
union agrees to give up precious wage or benefit gains in return for things such as no layoff policy