ability to influence employees to purse org goals
leadership coaching
enhancing a persons abilities and skills to lead
managerial leadership
process of influencing others to understand and agree what needs to be done to achieve shared goals
being a manager means
-planning, org, controlling, leading
-managing resources
being a leader means
-managing people
5 sources of power
legitimate power
comes from managers formal positions
reward power
results from managers authority to reward their employees
coercive power
results from managers authority to punish their employees
expert power
Results from one’s specialized info or expertise
referent power
Derived from one’s personal attraction (strong, visionary leadership).
soft influence tactics
-integration, consulation, personal appeals
hard tactics
exchange tactics, pressure, coalition
4 basic skills for leaders
cognitive abilities
interpersonal skills
business skills
conceptual skills
task oriented
ensure ppl, equip, and other resources are used in an efficent way
-initiating structure leadership
-transactional leadership
-initiating structure leadership
defines what
employees should be doing to maximize output.
transactional leadership
clarifies employees’ roles and task
requirements and provides rewards and punishments
relationship oriented
concerned with leader’s interactions with the
4 types
Leader behavior that is concerned with group members’ needs and desires
Indicates how much a leader makes other people feel like they have psychological power.
Psychological empowerment
Employees’ belief that they have control over their work
ethical leadership
appropriate behavior that focuses on being a
moral role model
passive leadership
leadership behavior
characterized by a lack of
leadership skills. (laisezz faire)
contingency leadership style (fiedler)
determing if a leader’s style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented
uses the least preferred coworker (LPC) scale, in which workers rank
the coworker they least enjoyed working with
the higher the score the more task oriented
leader member relations
reflects the extent to which the leader has support and loyalty
task structure
extent to which tasks are easily understood
position power
Refers to how much power a leader has to make work
assignments and reward and punish
path goal leadership model (house)
The effective leader increases employees’ motivation by
clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve
goals, and provides them with support
Employees are encouraged to pursue organizational goals over
4 key behaviors of transformational leadership
-inspirational motivation
-idealized influence
-individualized consideration
-intellectual stimulation
Leader-member Exchange (LMX) model of leadership
Emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationship with different subordinates
In-Group Exchange versus Out-Group Exchange
n-group exchange: trust and respect.
Out-group exchange: lack of trust and respect.
leading with humility
Humility is a relatively stable trait grounded in the belief that “something
greater than the self exists