ch 16 Flashcards
monitoring performance, comparing it w goals, and taking corrective action as needed
steps in the control process
1 establish standards
2 measure performance
3 compare performance to standards
4 take corrective action if necessary
establish standards
the desired standard for a given goal
measure performance
ususlaly obtained from written/oral reports and personal observations
Compare performance to standards
-control charts
-management by exeption
control charts
a vistual tool used for quality control purposes
management by exception
control principle that states that a manager should be informed of a situation only if there is a big deviation from standards
take corrective action
-make no changes
-notice and reinforce positive performance
-take action to correct negative performance
why is control needed
to adapt to change and uncertaintiy
to discover errors
to detect opportunties
feedfoward control
focus on preventing future problems
concurrent control
collecting performance info in real time
feedback control
collecting performance information after a task or project is done
strategic control
monitring to ensure strategic plans are being implemented
tactical control
monitring to ensure tactical plans are being implemented
operational control
monitring to ensure that operational plans are being implemented
6 areas of control
-human resources
-bureaucratic control
-decentrailized control
-bureaucratic control
characterized by use of rules, regulations,
and formal authority to guide performance
Decentralized control
structural arrangements
financial control
-incremental budgeting
incremental budgeting
Allocates inc or dec funds by using the last budget period as a reference point
balance sheet
summarizes an orgs overall fnan worth at specific time
income statement
summarizes an orgs fnan over period of time
formal verification of an orgs fnan and operational systems
-internal and external
balanced scoreboard
give managers comprehensive view of the org via 4 indicators
-customer satisfaction
-internal processess
-innovation and imporvement
-financial measures
priority on the customer
Profitability, growth, shareholder values
Internal business
Quality, employee skills, and productivity
Innovation and learning
Learning and growth of employees
strategy map
Visual representation of the 4 perspectives of
balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate
r goals so everyone can understand
how their jobs are linked to the overall objectives of the
PDCA cycle
plan desired and important chnages based on data
implement the change
check what happened after the change
act on lessons learned after the results
dedicated to
continuous quality improvement, training, and customer
2 core principles of tqm
- people orientation
-improvement orientation
- people orientation
everyone involved in the org should focus on delivering value to customers
improvement orientation
Everyone should work on continuously improving work
rater scale
enables customers to rate the quality of a service along five dimensions
enterprise resource planning
-information systems for integrating
virtually all aspects of a business, helping managers stay on top
of the latest developments
a way to measure smth against the standard
best practices
set of guidelines, ethics, or ideas that represent the most efficient course of action