The psych processes that arouse and direct goal oriented behavior
Why its important as a manager
why motivation is important as a manager
U want ppl to join ur org
Ppk to stay w ur org
Show up for work
Be engaged
steps to motivation
Unfulfilled need
Rewards (feedback and repeat or not)
extrinsic rewards
Payoff person receives from others for performing particular task
Satisfaction a person receives from performing the particular task itself.
4 major perspectives
Consent theory-
Process theory-
Job design
contest theories definition
emphasize needs as motivators
Process theory-
focus on designing jobs that lead to employee satisfaction and performance
Job design theories
focus on designing jobs that lead to employee sat/per
based on notion that motivation is a function of behavioral consequences
contest theoires
Acquired needs theory
Deci and ryan’s self determination theory
Herzberg 2 factor theory
Maslow’s hierarchy
Self actualization, esteem, love safety, physiological
aquired needs theory
Achievement- desire to achieve excellence
Adilliation-desire for good relationships
Power- desire to influence and control
Herzberg 2 factor theory
Work satisfaction= motivating factors
dissatisfaction=hygiene factors
Deci and ryan’s self determination theory
Assumes people are driven to try and grow focused on intrinsic motivation
3 innate needs
competence, automoy, relateness
People need to feel qualified, knowledgeable, and capable of completing a goal
People need to feel they have the freedom
People need to feel a sense of belonging
Process perspectives on employee motivation
Concerned w the thought process by which people decide how to act
equity/justice theory
A model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness /justice in social exchanges
Expectancy theory
Ppl motivated by 2 things
How much they want smth and how likely they think they are to get it
(3 elements )
belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a level of performance
expectation that successful performance will lead to the desired outcome
the value a worker assigns to an outcome.
Goal setting theory
Suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable.
Job design on motivation
The application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance
Fitting people to jobs
Fitting jobs to people
Monetary rewards
Nonmonetary incentives
Work life balance
Ability to expand skills
Positive work environment