CH 8: Organizational Culture Flashcards
How to stand out at a new job
The power of first impressions
See how ppl behave by arriving early and staying late
Network with people and find out how the organization works
Ask for advice
Over deliver
Organizational culture
The set of shared, taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks abt, and reacts to diff envs
What drives org culture
Founders values
Industry and bus env
National culture
Orgs vision and strategy
Behavior of leaders
Flow of organization culture
1-drivers of org culture
2-org culture
3-org culture and internal processes
4-group and social processes
5- work attitudes and behaviors
6-overall performance
Org structure
A formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates an organization’s members so that they can work together to achieve the organization’s goals.
what is org structure concerned with
Concerned with who reports to whom and who specializes in
what work.
3 levels of organizational culture
Level 1- observable artifact-physical manifestations of culture
level 2-espoused values-explicitly values and norms
Level 3- basic assumptions-core values of the org
Competing values framework cultures
Adhocracy culture
External focus/flexibility
Adaptable, innovative, creative
Clan culture
Internal focus/ flexibility
Collaboration, communication, morale
Hierarchy culture
Consistency, structured work env
Market culture
External env/stability
Customer focus, competitiveness, productivity, profitability
an object, act, etc that conveys meaning to others
narrative based on true events repeated to emphasize particular value
person whose accomplishments embody the values of the
Rites and rituals:
activities and ceremonies that celebrate important
occasions and accomplishment
Organizational socialization
the process by which people learn the values,
norms, and required behaviors of an organization.
Results revealed
- An organization’s culture matters.
- Employees have more positive work attitudes when working in organizations with clan cultures.
- Clan and market cultures are more likely to deliver higher customer satisfaction and market share.
- Operational outcomes, quality, and innovation are more strongly related to clan, adhocracy, and market cultures than to hierarchical ones.
- An organization’s financial performance is not strongly related to organizational culture.
- Companies with market cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.
4 most asked interview questions
Whats ur fav movie
Whats ur fav website
What makes you uncomfortable
What’s the last book u read for fun
Person-org fit
Reflects the extent to which ones personality matches the org climate, values, and culture of the org
Ways to change org culture
Formal statements
Common elements of orgs proposed by edger shein
Common purpose
Coordinated effort
Division of labor
Hierarchy of authority
Common purpose
gives everyone an understanding of the orgs reason for being
Coordinated effort
the coordination of individual effort into groupwide effort.
Division of labor
having discrete parts of a task done by diff people
Hierarchy of authority
making sure the right people do the right things at the right time (unity of command)
common elements authorities agree on
Span of control
span of control
the number of people reporting directly to a given manager; narrow or wide
Accountability, responsibility, and delegation; line versus staff positions
centralized vs decentrialized authority
who makes decisions upper management or middle
Matrix structure-
Combines functional and
divisional chains
of command in a
grid so that there
are two command
structures: vertical
and horizontal.
horizontal design
Teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are used to improve collaboration and work on shared tasks by breaking down internal boundaries.
hollow/network structure
The organization has a
central core of key
functions and outsources
other functions to vendors
who can do them cheaper
or faster
Modular structure
The firm assembles product chunks, or modules, provided by outside contractors.
Virtual organization
Organization whose members are geographically distant, usually
working via e-mail, collaborative computing, and other computer
virtual structure
Company outside a company that is created “specifically to
respond to an exceptional market opportunity” that is often
Org culture and org structure should be aligned w its vision and strategies
If managers change strategies then they need to change the culture and structure
As companies grow the culture and structure need to grow with it