physiological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity
5 personality dimensions
5 personaility dimensions
extroversion, agreeablenes, concientiusness, emoitonal stability, openess to experiences
outgoing, talkative, assertive
- cooperative, trusting
Emotional stability
relax, secure
responsible, dependable
Openness to experience
imaginative, curious
core self eval
Represents broad personality trait of four positive individual traits
(self -efficacy, self esteem, locus of control, emotional stability)
Self efficacy
Belief in one’s ability to do a task
Individual perceptions of their ability to perform
Self esteem
Extent to which people like or dislike themselves high and low
Locus of control
How much ppl believe they control their faith through their efforts
Internal- you can control it
External- external forces control you
Emotional stability
Extent to which people feel secure and unworried
emotional intelligence
Ability to monitor yours and others feelings
4 parts of emoitional intelligence
self awareness, self manahement, social awareness, relaitonshop managhement
Self awareness
read your own emotions and moods
Self management-
ability to control your emotions
Social awareness
empathy showing other you care
Relationship management-
bility to community cleary
org behavior
Dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work
Abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behavior across all situations
a learned predisposition toward a given object
3 components of attitude and definitions
Affective (i feel)-feelings one has abt the sit
Cognitive (i believe)-beliefs/knowledge one has abt the sit
Behavioral (i intend)- how one intends or expects to behave in sit
Cognitive dissonance & how ppl deal w discomfort
Discomfort a person feels btw their cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior
How ppl deal w discomfort
Importance-can u live with the ambiguity
Control-how much control do you have over the situation
Rewards- what rewards are at stake with dissonance
Work related attitude
Individuals involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work
Job satisfaction
Extent to which you feel good or bad about aspects of your work
Several components
Org commitment
Extent to which worker identifies with the org and its goals
Important workplace behaviors
Performance and productivity
Absenteeism and turnover.
Organizational citizenship behaviors.
Counterproductive work behaviors.
Diversified work force
Represents the ways ppl are unlike and alike at work
barriers=Stereotypes, prejudice, lack of support