Ch 31: The Cold War and Decolonization, 1945-1975 Flashcards
What was the iron curtain?
Winston Churchill’s term for Cold War division between the East and West
What was the Cold War?
the state of political tension and military rivalry between the US and their allies and the USSR and their allies
What was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
military alliance established by US and W. Europe
What was the Warsaw Pact?
military alliance created by USSR
What was the United Nations?
international peace organization
What were the 2 main bodies of the UN?
General Assembly- members from all states
Security Council- 5 permanent members- China, France, GB, US, USSR
What power did the Security Council have?
veto power
What did a flood of new members to the UN after the decolonization of Africa cause?
a voting majority that was more concerned with poverty, racial discrimination, and the struggle against imperialism than the Cold War
W. pwrs increasingly disregarded the GA
What did the World Bank do?
provided funds for reconstructing Europe and helping needy countries after the war
What was the Marshall Plan?
US provided billions of $ in aid to friendly European countries, mostly in the form of food, raw materials, and other goods
What was the European Community?
enlarged alliance between European countries
What did prosperity cause in W. Europe?
Increased wages, government spending on health care and unemployment, increase in mass consumer society
What was growth in the Soviet Union like?
rapid at first, then control of the economy became less efficient
What was the Truman Doctrine?
offered military aid to help Turkey and Greece resist Soviet military pressure and subversion
What led to the creation of the Warsaw Pact?
W. pwrs’ decision to let W. Germany rearm within the limits set by NATO
What defeated the USSR blockade in E. Germany?
airlifts of food and fuel
World War II left who in control of Korea?
Soviet troops in control north of 38th parallel, Americans in control of South
What caused the Korean War?
North Korea invaded South Korea
What was the resolution of the Korean War?
truce, but no peace treaty concluded it
How did Japan benefit from the Korean War?
massive purchasing of supplies and spending by US stimulated the economy
Who’s coalition fought the French with help from PRC in Vietnam?
Ho CHi MInh’s nationalist colition Viet Minh
Where did Viet Minh take over?
JFK decided to support S. Vietnam and engaged in what?
Vietnam War
What did the 2 parts of Vietnam become united under?
What was the Cuban missile crisis?
USSR deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba in response to US efforts to overthrow the government of Cuba
What was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
agreement to ban testing of nuclear weapons
What were the Helsinki Accords?
affirmed that no boundaries should be changed by military force
What was an offshoot of the nuclear arms race?
Space exploration!!!!!! =D Sputnik!!!
What added to tensions of independence in India?
Hindu ruler of Jammu and Kashmir decided to join India without consulting majority Muslim subjects
What was the war between India and Pakistan over?
What did Pakistan break up into?
Bengal-speaking e. section became Bangledesh
The postwar French government was determined to keep what?
What was the Front de Liberation National?
supported by Egypt and Arabs on principle that all Arab peoples should be able to choose own governments
What happened when Algeria won the revolt?
Angry colonists returned to France, which undermined the Algerian economy because few Arabs had technical training or management experience
Most of the independence in Sub-Saharan Africa was achieved through what?
In colonies with significant white settler minorities African peoples had to resort to what?
armed struggle
What did educated African nationalists use to help build multiethnic coalitions?
languages introduced by colonial governments
Who was Kwame Nkrumah and what did he do?
prime minister of Ghana, first British colony in S. Africa to gain independence
What delayed the independence process in Kenya?
Kenya coffee planters- “Mau Mau”
African leaders in Sub-Saharan French colonies were more reluctant to what?
call for full independence
Most new African politicians who sought election were civil servants which means that they what?
recognized the importance of French public investment and dependence on civil service salaries
South African governments had constructed a state and society based on what?
apartheid/ racial separation
What continued in Latin America after independence?
European and American economic domination
What was Guatemala’s largest landowner?
US corporation United Fruit Co.
What did United Fruit Co. do?
kept a lot of fields fallow to surpress banana production and keep prices high
What happened to Arbenz when he tried land reform and tried to decrease US political influence?
CIA sponsored takeover by Guatemalan military removed Arbenz, condemned Guatemala to decades of government instability and violence
When Fidel Castro overthrew Fulgencio Batista, what did he do?
redistributed land, lowered urban rents, increased wages, transferred 15% of national income from rich to poor, seized property of almost all US corps and elite
To achieve his transformation, Castro sought economic support from who which caused what?
USSR, US suspended sugar agreement, sought to destabilize the Cuban economy, CIA landed at Bay of Pigs in attempt to overthrow Castro- Cuban army won and placed nuclear weapons in Cuba
What were nonaligned nations/ the Third World?
developing countries that announced neutrality in the Cold War
What was the Badung Conference?
beginning of effort by new, poor, non- European nations to gain influence
What did the Cold War do to Japan and what were they able to do because of it?
isolated and excluded from most world political issues, able to develop economic strength
What were the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution?
failed revolutionary reforms and a campaign to purge the Communist Party of opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation
The rift between the PRC and USSR was so wide that Nixon allowed the PRC to do what?
join UN, occupy China’s permanent seat on Security Council
The General Assembly voted in favor of doing what with Palestine?
partitioning it into 2 states
What happened after Palestine was partitioned into 2 states?
Jewish declared independence, Palestinians, who felt land division= unfair, took up arms but Israel prevailed
What was the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?
organization to promote collective interest in increased revenues among oil-producing states
Instead of focusing on involving itself with world affairs after WWII, what did Japan focus on?
improving economy
What happened in China immediately following WWII?
Mao Zedong and communists defeated nationalists, established PRC and began to politically diverge from USSR
How was Israel created?
Division of Palestine
What was the 6 Day War of 1967?
Israel attacked Egyptian and Syrian air bases, won
Jordan entered war- Israel won control of Jerusalem