Ch 30: Striving for Independence: India, Africa, and Latin America, 1900-1949 Flashcards
What were economic stressors on India in the early 20th century?
drought, deforestation, population increase, decrease in the amount of land per family
What was the language of business in India?
Why did the Indian Civil Service limit the spread of technology in India?
tried to control modern technology to benefit Britain
What 2 religious groups had the most problems with one another?
Hindus and Muslims
In what year was the Indian National Congress founded?
What was the All Indian Muslim league and why was it founded?
organization to defend interests of Muslim minority
Why did Indians support Britain enthusiastically during World War I?
thought loyalty would give independence
What happened at Amritsar?
General Reginald Dyer fired onto a peaceful crowd of demonstrators
Who was known as the “great soul” by his followers?
What were Gandhi’s methods of achieving Indian independence?
peaceful protest/ civil disobedience
Describe and explain the significance of Gandhi’s “Walk to the Sea.”
walked with followers to sea and gathered salt to protest the salt monopoly
What does it mean to fast? How is this effective as a way to wage political protest?
no eating, protested British policy
Why did the businessmen like Jawaharlal Nehru?
wanted to create modern industry
How did Gandhi respond to British offers of independence during WWII? What happened in Bengal?
“Quit India” campaign- wanted independence now
Bengal= divided without consulting the Indian people- separated Muslims from Hindus
What was the solution accepted by both Hindus and Muslims regarding the problem of independence?
give each own territory- Partition of India and Pakistan
Why was there continued violence after independence?
flows of refugees
Where did most Africans work? What were their working conditions?
European-owned mines and plantations under harsh conditions for little pay
What was the impact that Europeans had on African healthcare?
made it worse- had modern medicine but didn’t share with Africans, movement of Europeans spread diseases
How did cities built in the colonial era demonstrate the racism of this time period?
Why was Christianity attractive?
Education in missionary schools
Who founded the African National Congress and why?
Western-educated lawyers and journalists in South African in 1912, to defend the interests of the African people
How did World War II affect Africans?
served in Allied army, increase in labor
How did World War II act as a springboard for independence movements in Africa?
Those who served saw Allied propaganda in favor of European liberation movements, came back with radical ideas
What may have hampered economic development in Latin America?
dependence on other countries (US and Britain), didn’t industrialize
Why was the Mexican peasantry so poor?
didn’t own land, class divisions, foreign companies
What was Porifiro Diaz’s motto and how did he rule?
“liberty, order, and progress”
dictator, bribery
What happened in Mexico in 1911?
Mexican Revolution- government collapses, Diaz resigns
Who were the constitutionalists?
middle/ working class
What did Emiliano Zapata and Francisco “Pancho” Villa do?
led reform representing poor
Who won the civil war and what did they do?
constitutionalists- controlled oil exports
How did Lazaro Cardenas govern Mexico when he gained power in 1934?
brings more workers into PRM, implements constitutionalist ideas (education, railroads, seizes foreign oil companies)
What did the Mexican Revolution accomplish overall?
independence, constitutional republic, seizure of foreign oil companies
What exports came from the pampas of Argentina?
sheep wool and cattle hide
What was Argentina’s oligarquia?
small group of wealthy landowners
How did World War I impact Argentina and Brazil?
ended importation from Europe, middle class got more rights
Who controlled radio in Latin America after World War I? What does this suggest?
Germany, France, Britain, Us- still relied on industrialized nations
How did the Depression of 1929 impact the politics of Argentina and Brazil?
fascist leaders/ authoritarian regimes
What was Getulio Vargas’ import-substitution industrialization? What were the consequences?
replaced foreign imports with domestic production- deforestation
What did Vargas do in 1938, and what did he do during World War II?
reelected himself and abolished his own constitution, allied with the US
Who were Juan and Eva Peron?
Dictator of Argentina and his wife