ch 28 notes continued & key terms Flashcards
La Follette governor of Wisconsin for years
la follette us senator for years
la follette ran for president in … for the … party, with … % of popular vote
1924; progressive; 17
(levels of gov) federal: based in
Washington, dc
(levels of gov) federal consists of:
president, congress, federal courts
(levels of gov) congress consists of upper leve: …, and lower level …
senate; house of representatives
(levels of gov) local: like bayonne
mayor; city council; municipal courts
(levels of gov) county: like hudson
county executive; board of freeholders; county (state) courts
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the …
elective franchise
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has compelled her to submit to …, in the formation of which she had no …
laws; voice
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has withheld her from rights which are given to the most … and … men - both … and …
ignorant; degraded; natives; foreigners
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, …
civilly dead
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he hs taken from her all right in …, even to the… she earns
property; wages
(declaration of sentiments grievances) after depriving her of all rights as a married woman, if single and the owner of property, he has … to support a government which recognizes her only when her … can be made … to it
taxed; property; profitable
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has monopolized nearly all the …, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty …
profitable employments; remuneration
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough …, all … being closed against her
education; colleges
(declaration of sentiments grievances) he has endeavored, in every way that he could to destroy her confidence in her own …, to lessen her …, and to make her willing to lead a … and … life
powers; self-respect; dependent; abject
14th amendment: rights of
15th amendment: right to
(ida b wells) teacher and
(ida b wells) national association of
colored women (NACW)
(ida b wells) helped families striv for … and help less …
success; fortunate
(ida b wells) raised money from better off African-American women to provide
day care for working mothers
settlement houses: encouraged immigrants to forget old values and adopt
“Anglo-Saxon” protestant values –> religion, dress, food
social Darwinism: some races (white) are
superior and are meant to dominate other races
(booker t. Washington) stated that Negro is given a man’s chance in the … in the South
commercial world
(booker t. washington) stated that our … shouldn’t overcome our ..
grievances; opportunity
(booker t. washington) stated that we can be …, except for things that are essential to …
separate; mutual progress
(election of 1912) Wilson pop vote: …; electoral vote: …
42%; 435
(election of 1912) Roosevelt pop vote: …, electoral vote…
27%; 88
(election of 1912) taft pop vote:…, electoral: …
23%, 8
(election of 1912) debs: pop vote.., electoral …
6%; 0
(social gospel) a reform movement led by .. who used religious doctrine to demand better … and … for the urban poor.
protestant ministers; housing; living conditions
(social gospel) popular at the turn of the 20th century, it was closely inked to the … movement, which brought middle class, Anglo-American service volunteers into contact with … and …
settlement-house; immigrants; working people