Ch 21 Breast Flashcards
glandular (milk-producing) component of the breast lobule.
acinus (acini)
overgrowth of the stromal and epithelial elements of the acini within the terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) of the breast; a component of a fibrocystic condition
without echoes
plane of imaging on ultrasound of the breast that is perpendicular to the radial plane of imaging.
the pigmented skin surrounding the breast nipple
without symptoms
abnormal proliferation of cells with atypical features involving the TDLU, with an increased likelihood of evolving into breast cancer
atypical hyperplasia
differentiated apocrine sweat gland with the functional purpose of secreting milk during lactation
involves two main types of cells: ductal and lobular
breast cancer
screening for breast cancer involves annual screening mammography (starting at age 40), monthly breast self-examination (BSE), and regular clinical breast examination (CBE)
breast cancer screening
trademark system created by the American College of Radiology (ACR) to standardize mammographic reporting terminology; to categorize breast abnormalities according to the level of suspicion for malignancy; and to facilitate outcome monitoring
breast imaging reporting and data system (BI-RADS)
part of breast cancer screening; every woman is encouraged to perform breast self-examination monthly starting at age 20; BSE is usually best performed at the end of menses
breast self-examination
examination of the breast by a health care provider as part of breast cancer screening
clinical breast examination
connective tissue septa that connect perpendicularly to the breast lobules and extend out to the skin; considered the fibrous “skeleton” supporting the breast glandular tissue
Cooper’s ligaments
fluid-filled sac of variable size
common diagnostic and interventional breast procedure that involves placing a needle through the skin of the breast into a cystic mass and pulling fluid out of the cyst through the needle.
cyst aspiration
also called consultative, workup, or problem-solving mammography or breast imaging; this type of breast imaging examination is more intensive than routine screening mammography
diagnostic breast imaging
most common benign solid tumor of the breast, consisting predominantly of fibrous and epithelial (adenomatous) tissue elements.
also called fibrocystic change or fibrocystic breast, this condition represents many different tissue processes within the breast that are all basically normal processes, which in some patients become exaggerated to the point of raising concern for breast cancer.
fibrocystic condition
refers to vibrations produced by phonation and felt through the chest wall during palpation; a technique used in conjunction with power Doppler to identify the margins of a lesion
hypertrophy of residual ductal elements that persist behind the nipple in the male
echo texture that is more echogenic than the surrounding tissue
having relatively weak echoes.
cancer of the ductal epithelium; most common general category of breast cancer, accounting for approximately 85% of all breast cancers
infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma
cancer of the lobular epithelium of the breast, arises at the level of the TDLU; accounts for 12% to 15% of all breast cancers
infiltrating (invasive) lobular carcinoma (ILC)
echo texture that resembles the surrounding tissue. In the breast, isoechoic masses can be difficult to identify
near the chest wall (thorax)
the middle of three layers of breast tissue recognized on breast ultrasound between the skin and the chest wall that contains the ductal, glandular, and stromal portions of the breast
mammary layer
breast cancer that occurs in different quadrants of the breast at least 5 cm apart.
multicentric breast cancer
cannot be felt on clinical examination; a nonpalpable breast mass is one that is usually identified on screening mammogram and is too small to be felt as a breast lump on BSE or CBE
surface erosion of the nipple (reddened area with flaking and crusting) that results from direct invasion of the skin of the nipple by underlying breast cancer
Paget’s disease
can be felt on clinical examination; a palpable breast lump is one that is identified on CBE or BSE
French term that means skin of the orange; descriptive term for skin thickening of one breast that, on clinical breast examination, resembles the skin of an orange.
peau d’orange
plane of imaging on ultrasound of the breast
deepest of the three layers of the breast noted on breast ultrasound
retromammary layer
a normal extension of breast tissue into the axillary or armpit region
tail of Spence
smallest functional portion of the breast involving the terminal duct and its associated lobule, containing at least one acinus
terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU)
most superficial of the three layers of the breast identified on breast ultrasound
subcutaneous layer
represents the first lymph node along the axillary node chain
sentinel node
finger-like extension of a malignant tumor
Form of fibrocystic change in which the epithelial cells of the acini undergo alteration
aporine metaplasia
shows some, but not all, of the features of lobular carcinoma in situ
atypical lobular hyperplasia
the pathologist recognizes some, but not all, of the features of ductal carcinoma in situ
atypical ductal hyperplasia
neither considered a true cancer nor treated as such
lobular carcinoma in situ
term preferred by many authers to replace LCIS and atypical hyperplasia
lobular neoplasia
breast cancer occurring in different quadrants of the breast at least 5 cm apart
multicentric breast cancer