CH 21 Flashcards
-the study of whole sets of genes and their interactions
-the application of computational methods to the storage and analysis of biological data
Human Genome Project
-sequencing of the human genome
whole-genome shotgun approach
-starts with the cloning and sequencing of DNA fragments from randomly cut DNA
-in which DNA from a group of species in an environmental sample is sequenced
gene annotation
-The identification of protein-coding genes within DNA sequences in a database
-the entire set of proteins expressed by a cell or group of cells
-an approach to studying large sets of proteins and their properties
systems biology
-aims to model the dynamic behavior of whole biological systems based on the study of the interactions among the systems parts
-former genes that have accumulated mutations and are nonfunctional
Repetitive DNA
-present in multiple copies in the genome
transposable elements
-stretches of DNA that can move from one location to another within the genome
-move by means of a DNA intermediate and require a transposase enzyme
-move by means of an RNA intermediate using a reverse transcriptase
simple sequence DNA
-stretches of DNA
-contains many copies of tandemly repeated short sequences
short tandem repeat (STR)
-A series of repeating units of 2 to 5 nucleotides
multigene families
-collections of two or more identical or very similar genes
-180-nucleotide sequence