CH 17 - Exam 2 Flashcards
___ (qual/quan) researcher has conflicting databases about how to judge the quality of research
Trustworthiness is a term used for ___ in qualitative studies
What are the 5 components of trustworthiness? (broad)
- credibility
- dependability
- confirmability
- transferability
- authenticity
Credibility is the measure of ___ in the data and how it is ___. Looks at the way the study was ___ to demonstrate the findings are ____ and taking steps to demonstrate credibility to ___ ___
- truth
- interpreted
- preformed
- believable
- external readers
Dependability related to the ability of the study findings to be ___ in ___ ___. If a study is not dependable then it is not ___
- repeated
- similar circumstance
- credible
Confirmability is making sure the data reflect the ___ ___ rather then the researchers ___
- participants view
- bias
___ is the ability for the results to be applied or assumed in other settings
Authenticity is the ability for readers to get a true sense of participants ___ ____ and reflects the ability of the researcher to truthfully show a ___ of ___ realities
- lived experiences
- range
- different
What are 3 data collection strategies to increase quality
- prolonged engagement
- persistent observation
- reflexivity
prolonged engagement is the investment of ___ ___ collecting data to have an ____ ___; it supports ___ ___ to get ___ information
- sufficient time
- in-depth understanding
- building rapport
- rich
persistent observation refers to the researchers ___ on the ___ of a situation that are relevant to the phenomena being studied
- focus
- aspects
Reflexivity is the ability of a researcher to be mindful of their own ___ during ___ ___, ___, and ____ (3 parts of the research process)
What is a technique that can help with this so the researcher can remain objective?
- bias
- data collection, analysis, interpretation
- reflexive journaling
___ is the clearest strategy that addresses researcher bias
Triangulation, an audit trail, and a member check are all strategies for what part of the research process
data collection
Triangulation uses ___ referent(s) to draw conclusions about what constitutes __ and seeks to overcome ___ ___
- multiple
- truth
- intrinsic bias
What are the 2 subcategories for triangulation
- data
- method
Describe the 3 factors in data triangulation
- time : collect data at different times from the same person
- space : collect data at different sites
- person : used different types of people with different roles
Describe method triangulation
gather data through different methods : interviews, observation, document, etc
An audit trial is the collection of what 4 things?
What is the goal of this
- raw data
- methodological notes
- topic guidelines
- drafts created by the researcher
- Goal : allow another investigator to assess the data and draw conclusions
What is member checking
- going back to the participants, describing the themes identified and seeing if they agree
What are 5 strategies related to coding?
- investigation triangulation
- disconfirming cases
- negative case analysis
- peer debriefing
- inquiry audit
What is investigatory triangulation
using multiple researcher for data collection, coding, and analysis
Disconfirming cases is a process of looking for evidence that ___ the themes identified
Negative case analysis is when researchers ___ for cases that ___ finding to revise their ____ in an effort to have an interpretation that is ___ for all cases
- search
- contradict
- interpretations
- true
Peer debriefing presents data collected to who?
What parts of the research are questioned?
This is used to identify what 2 things?
- other experts in the field
- they probe the data and interpretations
- see if anything was miss or evidence of bias is present
An inquiry occurs after an ___ ___ is preformed
audit trial
During an inquiry an ___ reviewer examines the audit trial for ___ and ___
- external
- trustworthiness
- findings
What are 2 strategies to presentation
- think description
- researcher credibility
What is think description
you should probably think about describing your study well so people can understand what tf you’re talking about
Researcher credibility is the reflection of the ___, ___, and ___ of the researchers
- qualification
- experiences
- reflexivity
How is researcher credibility used in the study? (2)
- by describing the researcher in the study
- associations the researcher has w/ the participants
What can increase the researcher credibility
an efforts to address reflexivity