Ch. 1 - Evolution of Psychology Flashcards
Definition of Psychology
The study of the mind and behavior
Modern Psychology DOB
1879 - Wundt establishes 1st psychology labs
Mary Whiton Calkins
1st woman president of APA
Margaret Floy Washburn
1st woman to earn Ph.D. 2nd woman president of APA
Leta Stetter Hollingworth
1st to use term “gifted” w/ children.
debunked theory that women have decreased performance during menstrual cycle
Focused on structures of the mind and elements of consciousness (sensation and perception)
Introspeciton - systematic self-observation of one’s conscious experience
Focused on function or purpose of consciousness
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Focus on the unconscious
G. Stanley Hall
- exposed scholars in US to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
- mentor for 1st African American Ph.D Psych student
Why did Psych came to age as a profession
Due to need
Clinical psych receives institutional support
Behavioral Perspective
emphasized the Environment (Nurture)
Cognitive Perspective
study of thoughts and mental processes
Theoretical Perspectives
Focus on physiological bases of behavior
Evolutionary Perspective
Natural selection occurs for behavioral, as well as physical characteristics
Positive Psychology
Focus on the positive, creative, and fulfilling aspects of human existence
Reasons to study psychology
1) Powerful way of thinking
2) Helps understand the complexity of behavior
3) It’s practical
Structuralism Psychologist (notable)
Edward Tichener
Functionalism Psychologist (notable)
William James
Psychoanalytic Psychologists (notable)
Freud (founder) /Jung/ Adler
Behavioral Psychologists (notable)
John B. Watson / Ivan Pavlov / B.F. Skinner
Classical conditioning
B.F. Skinner found that…
Responses that lead to positive outcomes are repeated
Responses that lead negative outcomes are not repeated
Humanistic Perspective Psychologists (notable)
Carl Rogers / Abraham Maslow
Founding father of humanism. Focus on the patient or client
Carl Rogers
Creator of Hierarchy of needs
What are the hierarchy of needs in order?
Physiological/Safety/Social/Esteem/Self actualization