Cerebral Pathology Flashcards
most common artery affected in a stroke
sympto of MCA stroke
contralat weakness and sensory loss of face + arm, eye deviation toward side of lesion, aphasia/neglect
sympto of ACA stroke
contralat leg pariesis, sensory loss, cog defects
sympto of PCA stroke
contralat hemianopia/quadrantenopia, sensory loss, amnesia, dec conciousness
what is the treatment for stroke
aspirin +/- dypyrimadole
thrombolytics if <3hrs from event
long term = Treat HTN, dec lipids, anticoag
what is the investigation of choice for stroke
what is the investigation of choice for TIA
carotid USS
most common cause of intraperenchymal haemorrhage
50% due to HTN
most common site for intreperencymal haemorrhage
basal ganglia
most common cause of subarachnoid haemorrhage
ruptured berry aneurisms at internal carotid bifurcation
symtpo of subarachnoid H
thuderclap haedache, N&V, LoC
presentation of extradural H
skull frac -> ruptured middel meningeal a -> lucid interval then LoC
presentation of subdural H
prev Hx of minor trauma, slow venous bleed -> fluctuating conciousness
CSF findings in pyrogenic inf
-> turbid CSF w/ polymorphs
dec glucose, inc protein, bac on smear
CSF findings in TB inf
fibrin web in CSF, mononuc lymphocytes, dec gluc, inc prot