A precision approach and landing in the company minima is composed of a DH not lower than 200’ and an RVR not less than 550m
Lowest value of CMV?
If RWY rectangle cannot be indicated because of inoperativeness of RL, RTHL or RENL; what facilities shall be applied with regards to the company minima?
“NIL facilities” as “Category of Facilities”, so in this case 1000m RVR/CMV
If the RVR is out of service, what visibility measuring method is applied?
CMV is applied for straight in CAT I operations
Flight crew qualification required for CAT-I?
As for the operations with RVR in the company minima less than 1200m, the PIC shall be CAT-I, CAT-II or CAT-III captain, and the copilot shall have completed the specified training curriculum on CAT-I operations
What are the ground facilities required?
Required: Localizer and Glide slope & outer marker
With a change of company minima: Middle Marker, ALS, RL, RTHL and RENL, TDZ, CL & touchdown RVR
When RVR is less than 1200m, what length of the runway shall be used?
115% or longer than the landing field length (in dry conditions)
Use of altimeter?
DA is based on the use of the barometric altimeter
Maximum crosswind?
Comply with the AOM. However, in the case of operations with RVR less than 1200m, the maximum crosswind shall be 10kts regardless of the provision specified in the AOM
After commencement of final approach and before reaching the DA, the captain shall execute a missed approach, when…
- Approach ban: less than the company minimal applied to the captain concerned, and any RVR is less than 200m
- When any of the ground or airborne equipment becomes inoperative during the ILS approach
The PIC can continue below the DA when the following 1 & 2 are satisfied
- The airplane is continuously in a position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal manoeuvres
- At least on of the following visual references for the intended runway is distinctly visible and identifiable:
- Threshold
- Runway markings (designation markings, threshold markings or TDZ markings)
- ALS or RAI
Note: these visual reference are the same for non-precision approaches
Below the DA, the captain shall immediately execute a missed approach, when either 1 or 2 has occurred
- When the captain cannot judge if the airplane is continuously in a position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at an appropriate rate of descent using normal maneuvers; or
- When the captain cannot judge if the airplane is in a position which enables to continue approach and landing normally from the outside view due to the loss of visual reference or reduction in visual reference
The captain shall not descend below 100’ AFE using…?
ALS or RAI as a reference, unless the red terminating barrettes, the red side row barrettes or other visual reference(s) are also distinctly visible and identifiable
What are the necessary airborne equipments?
- ILS receiver x 1
- Marker receiver x 1 (Note: not necessary for the approach procedure not requiring the marker beacon)
- Flight Director (APP mode) or Autopilot (APP mode) x 1 (Note: when an approach with RVR of less than 1200m is conducted
When shall the captain confirm the maximum crosswind?
At the time of issue for landing clearance; if it is over at this time, then reconfirm it before reaching 500’ AFE; if the landing clearance is given below 500’ AFE, the wind data shall be confirmed before 500’ AFE; if any subsequent wind data is received, the approach to land may continue using the captains judgement
Manual land or auto-land?
Yes to both
What is Approach ban?
Approach ban is a rule to prohibit the continuance of approach beyond a specific point if the reported weather condition is below the specified company minima.
What are the specific points on approach ban?
- State or the airport authority specified point: shown in the route manual (maybe FAF or OM in JPN)
- Other than mentioned above: the point where an altitude becomes less than 1000’ AFE