Case Study APC Flashcards
Working on adjoining properties did you consider any other factors?
- Party wall, although this was not applicable as there was no works to either unit 6 or 3. The client was also the landlord for these premises.
- Notice period for the installation of the rear fire escape.
What is the role of a contract administrator?
- Manage the contractor from a non-influenced stand point, working for the contract alone and taking a non-biased approach.
What is the role of a Principal Designer?
- To take the lead in planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating health and safety during pre-construction phase. It is a statutory role under the CDM Regulations 2015.
- Collate pre-construction information, providing information so other roles can work safely.
- Eliminate foreseeable risk through design.
- Complete stakeholder communication; both the client and contractor.
Was the project notifiable?
- Yes, as it exceeded both 500 person days on site or 30 days with 20 people or more on site. It was notified through HSE.
How did you make the property more sustainable?
I specified both new roof replacement, which has a u-value under 0.16, new windows with a minimum requirement of 1.6
What did you specify for the roof?
- I specified a profiled metal roofing sheet to achieve a 0.16 u-value and 20% roof lights, this element was design specific to the contractor and to achieve a fall safe system with a fall arrest system.
Did you need planning for the new roof?
- The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 stated that the development does not require planning as material change is not occurring to the external envelope, as we are just replacing for a built up insulated profiled metal roof sheet for an improvement.
Did you consult any statutory authorities?
- I consulted with an Approved Inspector throughout, ensuring plan check, visits, and final certification was achieved.
What is the difference between a Building Control Officer and an Approved Inspector?
- A Building Control Officer works for the Local Authority.
How did you budget the project under £600,000?
- I used BCIS for cost information in relation to the refurbishment of elements, reviewing the Tender Price Indices (TPI) which allows for tender inflation.
How did you write the specification?
- I completed a prescriptive tender specification which included the project preliminaries, work sections and schedules using National Building Specification Uniclass.
Why did you write a prescriptive tender?
- The tender was based on previous units recently refurbished in the local units. Therefore the client wanted to remain in control of the design with visuals, not allowing the contractor to specify there choice as what has worked before has been useful.
You mentioned you used Contractors Design, how did you consider what would be the Contractors design portion?
- We decided to include the design of the mechanical and electrical portions, as well as a fire alarm L1 system. I proceeded with this as it allowed the contract to be let to the contractor and designs could be developed without further delay. I prescribed the requirement of output of the Lux level to achieve 300 LUX.
How did you select the contractors for tender?
- I used the contractors known from our experience working with them, alongside those that are included on the Canal & River Trust framework.
What tendering procedure did you use?
- A single stage tendering procedure was used instead of either a negotiated contract as the client wanted a competitive price and two stage, as the contractors had previously confirmed insurances and experience to the canal and river trust to be included on their framework.
What pricing document did you produce?
- I completed a schedule of works, accompanied by a drawing which reflected the requirements within the specification.
How did you proceed with the tender process?
- I completed the tender documents, inviting the contractors to tender and ensuring they can complete the desired works with resource for the requested programme. I carried out a tender addendum following issuing for 3 week period. I received the tenders after a tender opening so everything is transparent with the client which recorded programme, time of offer and sum.
What do you check during the tender report?
- Ensuring that no errors, unreasonable qualifications, or conflict of interest with sub-contractors. I ensure that no errors are in the tender, reviewing submitted costs on average to make any of the contractors aware of disparity.
Why did you choose the procurement route?
- The client remained in control of the design and received a lump sum cost from the contractor.
Why did you choose the Intermediate Building Contract?
- Involved normal and recognised trades and skills within the industry, complexity was not too confusing.
You mentioned Fluctuations, how would you implement this?
- I reviewed the three options in an intermediate contract: contribution, levy and tax (tax increases, NI and other statutory increases), OR Labour and materials (materials increasing from the base date), OR Formula adjustment (hybrid of the above). I would use labour and materials one alone within the contact if proceeded.
- It would require the involvement of the QS as understanding my competency on the fluctuation provision and reviewing the costs would be out of my remit.
- I would require a cost from the contractor at the start with the rates they are working too. This is in relation to the roofing element only.
- I would use the Resource Cost Indices (RCI) to measure the changes within the BCIS.
What other ways could you manage with the contractor for cost increases?
- A reimbursable cost may have been used, however the client preferred use of the JCT contract suite rather then using a NEC3 contract, where I understand Option E is available.
What is a provisional sum?
- A provisional sum is an allowance of an actual estimate for cost of specific works not able to be defined yet. This may be defined where the contactor includes this inside the prelims, undefined is not.
What is the difference between a PS and Prime Cost?
- A PC sum is the client making a provisional sum and asking the contractor to add their overheads and profits.