Burn Rehab Flashcards
Describe the Rule of Nines
head and neck- 9%
each UE- 9%
each LE- 18%
front trunk- 18%
back trunk-18%
perineum- 1%
What is the lund browder chart
More accurate description of TBSA
Describe a superficial burn
- superficial epidermis
- short-term, mod pain with no blistering, dry, and min erythema
- 3-7 day healing
-no scar potential
Describe superficial partial-thickness burn
- epidermis and upper dermis layers
-significant pain, weet blistering, erythema - 1-3 week healing,
- min scar potential
Describe deep (partial thickness) burn
- epidermis and deep dermis layers, hair follicles, sweat glands
- severe pain
-erythema with or without blistering
-high risk of turning into full thickenss burn
-3-5 week healing
-high scar potential
Describe a full-thickness brun
-epidermis, dermis, hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings
-no sensation to light touch except at deep partial thickenss borders
-pale and non blanching
-requires skin graft
extremely high scar and contracture potential
Describe a subdermal burn
- Full thickness with damage to fat, muscles, and bone
-Charring present
-significant peripheral nerve damage
-surgical intervention or amputation
-scarring and contracture potential extremely high
What are the mechanisms in which burns can occur
How long is the emergent phase?
0-72 hrs after injury
What are the focuses of the emergent phase?
-sustaining life
-controlling infection
-managing pain
What are the concerns during sustaining life in emergent phase
- risk of dehydration
- hypo/hyperthermia
- fluid resucitation
- cardiopulmonary stability
- escharotomy and fasciotomy
What types of wound dressing are used to control infection
-Topical antibiotics
-Nonbiological skin substitutes
How long is the Acute Phase
72 hours and until wound is closed
- can last days or months
What are the main focuses of the acute phase
- Infection control
- pain management
- proper nutrition and hydration
-Cardiopulmonary stability