Building Tools and Equipments Flashcards
Bolster is like chisel but it is used to cut bricks. Its cutting edge is wider than the width of brick. It is useful for accurate cutting of bricks.
Boning Rods
Boning rods are made of wood and they are T shape. They are used to level the excavated trench throughout its length. Minimum three boning rods are used to level the trench surface.
Brick Hammer
Brick hammer is used to cut the bricks and also used to push the bricks if they come out of the course line.
Bump Cutter
Bump cutter is used to level the concrete surfaces like concrete floors, foundations etc. It is also called screed.
Chain Lewis and Pin Lewis
Chain lewis and pin lewis are two different tools which are used to lift heavy stones especially in the construction of stone masonry.
Chisel is generally used in wood work and this must be useful to remove the concrete bumps or excess concrete in hardened surface.
Circular Saw
Circular saw used to cut the wood boards, frames etc. It is used when accurate cutting is required in less time. It is safer than hand saw.
Concrete Mixer
Concrete mixer is machine which mixes the ingredients water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and cement to deliver the perfectly mixed concrete.
Crowbar is used for digging the ground and to remove the roots of trees in the ground, nails etc.
Digging Bar
Digging bar is solid metal rod with pin shape at the bottom. It is also used to dig the hard surfaces of ground.
rill Machine
Drill machine is used to make holes in the walls, slabs, doors, window frames etc.
End Frames
Their use is similar to the line and pins. But instead of pins, L shaped frames are used at the end of thread which hold the brick work effectively and level the alignment accurately.
Float is made of wood which is used to smoothen the plastered concrete surface. It contains handle on its top and smooth wooden surface on its bottom.
Gloves are required to prevent the hands from direct contact with cement, paints etc. and to avoid injury while using machines, tools etc.
Hand Saw
Hand saw is used to cut the wood materials like doors, windows, slab panels etc.
Head Pan
Head pan is made of iron which is used to lift the excavated soil or cement or concrete to the working site etc. it is more commonly used in construction sites.
Hoe is also used to excavate the soil but in this case the metal plate is provided with acute angle to the wooden handle.