Bones: Skull Flashcards
Axial skeleton 5
Includes the skull, vertebrae, sacrum, sternum, and ribs
Appendicular skeleton
Includes bones of the appendages plus bones of the girdles that attach those bones to the axial skeleton.
Ear bones 3
Malleus, incus, stapes
Ethmoid bones 4
Separate nasal cavity from brain. Includes; cribriform plate, crista galli, nasal concheae, perpendicular plate
Fossae, sinuses, and sutues
Fossa = depression or hollow
Sinus = cavity within a bone
Suture = a union between two bones that creates immoveable joint
Include: Anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa, mandibular fossa
frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, sphenoid sinus, coronal suture, lambdoid suture, sagital suture. squamous suture
Frontal bone 4
Means forehead, glabella, supraorbital foramen, supraorbital margin, Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
Hyoid bone
Shaped like a horse shoe, not actually connected to skull. Found in the anterior midline of the neck ADAMS APPLE
Lacrimal bone
Smallest bone of the face, found on medial surface of eye socket, tears move through a canal in this bone to the nasal cavity
- Nasolacrimal canal
Mandible 9
Known as the jawbone with a moveable joint and is important for containing lower teeth. Alveolar processes- mandible angle of mandible body of mandible condylar process of mandible coronoid process of mandible mandibular notch Mandibular symphysis Mental foramen Ramus of mandible
Maxilla 6
Anterior part of the roof of the mouth. Upper jaw, contains upper teeth Alveolar processes of the maxilla Anterior nasal spine Frontal process of the maxilla Infraorbital foramen Palatine process Zygomatic process of the maxilla
Nasal bone
actually two, quite small, form the bridge of the nose
Occipital bone 5
Sits on the very back of the skull, kind of bowl shaped External occipital protuberance Foramen magnum hypoglossal canal nuchal lines occipital condyles
Palatine bone 2
contributes to the posterior part of the roof of the mouth, just behind maxilla
Horizontal plate
Palatine foramina
Parietal bone 1
Two parietal bones Meet in the center and form much of the sides and roof of skull.
Temporal lines
Sphenoid bone 12
Kind of resembles a butterfly, situated towards the front of the skull, another bone that helps make up the eye socket. Foramen lacerum Foramen ovale Foramen rotundum Foramen spinosum Greater wing Inferior orbital fissure Lateral pterygoid plate Lesser wing Medial ptetygoid plate Optic canal sella turcica superior orbital fissure
Temporal lobe 10
Contains the part of the face called the temple. Also contains ear canal and structures used for hearing. Cartoid canal External acoustic meatus Interanal acoustic meatus jugular foramen Mastoid process Petrous portion Squamous portion Styloid process Stylomastoid foramen Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
Small bone right in the middle of the nasal cavity, right in the center. Perpendicular to the ethmoid bone
Zygomatic bone 3
Cheek bones, also part of the eye socket.
Infraorbital margin
Temporal process of the zygomatic bone
Zygomatic arch