B8-026 Pathology of the Ovaries Flashcards
mutations commonly associated with progression of ovarian epithelial tumors [3]
(high grade serous cysts have BRCA1/2 and Tp53 mutations)
most common ovarian neoplasm
lined by fallopian tube-like epithelium (cilia)
serous cystadenoma
most common malignant tumor of ovary
serous carcinoma
invasion and papillary growth
psammoma bodies
p53 mutation
serous carcinoma
multiloculated, large cyst
lined by mucus-secreting columnar epithelium
mucinous cystadenoma
malignant cyst
may be metastatic from appendiceal or other GI tumors
mucinous carcinoma
presents with expansive or infiltrative pattern
(expansive is lower right image)
mucinous carcinoma
composed of endometrial-type cells, similar morphology to endometrioid carcinoma of endometrium
endometrioid adenocarcinoma
epithelial tumor associated with endometriosis, hypercalcemia and vascular thrombotic events
clear cell carcinoma
involvement of the ovaries but appendiceal mucinous neoplasm can result in
psuedomyxoma peritonei “jelly belly”
most common ovarian tumor in young females
AKA dermoid cyst
mature teratoma
cystic mass with elements from all 3 germ layers
mature teratoma
thyroid tissue in dermoid cyst can cause
hyperthyroidism (struma ovarii)
mature teratoma with malignant transformation can result in [2]
squamous cell carcinoma
malignant, aggressive germ cell tumor
contains fetal tissue and neuroepithelium
immature teratoma
typically represented by immature/embryonic-like neural tissue
immature teratoma
tumor marker:
increased LDH
malignant germ cell tumor common in adolescents
sheets of uniform “fried egg” cells
tumor marker:
increased hCG
(can cause precocious puberty if occurring in children)
very hemorrhagic cut surface
cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts
blood lakes
tumor marker: AFP
yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
yellow, hemorrhagic mass
Schiller-Duval bodies
reticular pattern
yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
bundle of spindle shaped fibroblasts
ovarian fibroma
pleural effusion
Meigs syndrome
(pulling sensation in groin)
tumor marker: inhibin
granulosa cell tumor
(used for both diagnosis and monitor for recurrence)
most common malignant sex cord stromal tumor
granulosa cell tumor
presents with postmenopausal bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia, sexual precocity (in children), and breast tenderness
granulosa cell tumor
coffee bean nuclei
call-exner bodies
granulosa cell tumor
resembles testicular histology with tubules/cord lined by pink Sertoli cells
Leydig cells with circles of Reinke
may produce androgens and cause hirsutism
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
most cases of pseudomyxoma peritonei are secondary to […] neoplasms
appendiceal mucinous
tumor cells floating in pool of mucin
mucinous carcinoma
tubulocystic growth pattern and clear cells
clear cell carcinoma
large vesicular cells w/ clear cytoplasm
well defined cell boundaries
centrally placed nuclei
painful heavy periods
irregular periods
hemorrhagic cystic lesion
endometriotic cyst
(chocolate cyst,
asymptomatic expansion of grafiaan follicle
thin walled, unilocular
follicular cyst
menstrual irregularities
palpable abdominal mass
failure to regress after release of ovum
corpus luteum cyst
(she noted the adipose tissue in image)
associated with increased risk of endometrioid and clear cell malignancy
endometriotic cyst
tumor marker CA125
serous carcinoma