B1.3 Flashcards
What’s the definition of a drug?
Chemical substances that alter the way the body works
What are medical drugs?
Drugs developed to make you feel better if you have an illness
What are recreational drugs?
Drugs that are legal and illegal
What are performance enhancing drugs?
Drugs designed to make you stronger, faster and have more stamina
What has thalidomide now been found to treat?
What was thalidomide first made as?
Sleeping pill
What is the process of making new medical drugs?
- Tested on cells, tissues and animals. This is called toxicity
- Clinical trial. If no side effects are produced the drug moves on
- More clinical trials eg double blind trials
- If the drug has effect on the illness it will get approval
How long does the process of testing new medical drugs take?
About 10 years
What was the issue with thalidomide?
It was found to treat morning sickness but gave the mothers babies with deformed limbs
Why might people take recreational drugs?
~ Improve their mood
~ Socialise
~ Relieve stress
What are some addictive drugs?
What are some highly addictive drugs?
What drugs have affects the heart and circulatory system?
Why is cannabis such a dangerous drug?
~ Can lead to mental illness ~ Can lead onto class A drugs
Why do nicotine and alcohol have a bigger impact on society?
Because more people take them and they cause long term health issues
What are anabolic steroids?
Performance enhancing drugs that build muscle
What are stimulants?
Drugs that increase heart rate and stamina
What do beta blockers do?
Keep you steady and calm. Used by archery and dart players
Why are drugs banned in sport?
They give athletes unfair advantages by increasing strength and stamina
What is a placebo?
~ A model of a drug which seems the same but contains no active drug
~ Tricks the brain to think real drug has been taken
What is the placebo effect?
Believing a ‘drug’ will do something even if it isn’t a real drug
What does aspirin do?
Thins the blood
What do statins do?
Lower LDL cholesterol
What does it mean if a drug is addictive?
You depend on them and suffer withdrawal symptoms without them