Athersclerosis Flashcards
Describe the formation of atherosclerosis
• damage to the endothelial lining of artery wall
• LDL enter via damaged wall
• LDL becomes oxides (Ox-LDL)
• Ox-LDL causes further damage to the endothelial lining
• macrophages engulf the Ox-LDL forming “foam cells”
• foam cells and macrophages release inflammatory medications, cytokines and WBCs to encourage growth of the endothelial lining
• accumulation of foam cells result in fatty streaks lining the endothelial lining
• plaque becomes unstable and ruptures: exposing sub endothelial lining, leading to platelet aggregation and thrombosis
List NON modifiable risk factors
• male
• family hx of CHD
• female >55
• male over >45
List other risk factors
• LDL - increase
• Triglycerides - increase
• HDL - decrease
• obesity
• diabetes
• poor diet
• lack of exercise
Ischemia results in increased myocardial workload, which factors increase this?
An Increase in:
• HR
• contratcility
• preload
• afterload
Ischemia results in reduced coronary perfusion, which factors can impair perfusion?
• vasospamsm
• poor perfusion rate
• large stable plaque
• platelet aggregation, thrombosis