Area 4- child Flashcards
what is cognitive development
refers to the way children( and adults) become more skilful thinkers and earners
many people thought that children thought in same way as adults but just knew less however modern research has disproven
what was Piaget’s stage theory
children invent their own understanding of the world as they are their own little scientist
sensory-motor (0-2)= object performance- objects exist even if we can’t see them
pre-operational(2-7)= egocentric, animistic
concrete(7-11)= logic reason, conservation- look same even if its different
formal(11+)= hypothetical thinking, predicting what might happen
move through stages in fixed, invariant stages , universal
what is a schema
organised mental structures each containing knowledge of some aspects of the world
what is assimilation
add new experiences to existing schemas
what is accommodation
create new schemas to hold new information
what happens according to Piaget when children come across something new
disequilibrium- ‘out of balance’ so the only way to get back to equilibrium is to accommodate
outline Piaget’s study
quasi experiment to see if children in the concrete operational could conserve better than those in the pre-operational stage
children- small sample of swiz children who were his children
2 rows of rows- then one row spread apart and asked both times if there is the same number of counters in each row
children in the pre-operational stage said there was a different number
what was Vygotsky’s theory
thinking develops in sociocultural context
mko’s (more knowledgeable others) pass on knowledge and skills but also the value of their culture which helps intellectual development
language is a cultural tool in learning process- way of developing knowledge
what is the zone of proximal development
gap between now and potential, where thinking takes place to reach potential which is influenced by MKO’s
what was Bruner’s theory buzzword
problem solving
what is Bruner’s theory
learning is about understanding concepts or problem solving and ability to be creative, autonomous, invent new thoughts
how does Bruner agree with Piaget
agrees learning is independent- little scientists
how does Bruner support Vygotsky
language is a tool to enable a child develop a stimulating environment
what was bruners stage theory
enactive (0-1)- objects need to be tackled/ played in problem solving
iconic(1-6)- pictures of icons- pictures of books of objects
symbolic (7+)- words of formulae can represent object- real words or look at words represent object
what is perry theory
college students went through stages
gathered students by interviewing Harvard student
cyclic goes through 1-9 then 9-1 etc.
1+2- dualism- learn right solution- repeat/memories
3+4- multiplicity - learn how to find solution- examining/ investigating
5+6- relativist- understand multiple points- evaluate, interpret, predict
7,8,9- commitment- makes commitment- realising its an ongoing unfolding evolving activity- judge, asses, criticise
what is a way of remembering perrys cyclic theory
science test- told what to do on sheet, practical, predict, conclude
what is scaffolding
allows a child to solve problems by carrying out tasks, achieve goals, beyond capabilities without help
but children have to be able to recognise what a solution should look like before producing steps to solve without help
what did cinchy do/ find
game of 20 questions, child recognised a good or bad strategy but could not produce a good strategy without help
what is the aim of Woods et al
to investigate the natural process of skill acquisition and problem solving between developing child and tutor
why is woods not a formal test of hypothesis
systematic description of how children respond to different types of help
what method was woods
controlled observation in lab environment
what is the sample of woods et al
30 children aged 3,4,5
middle to lower class, USA
parents responded to ads asking for volunteers, each child accompanied by parents , 20-60 mins
what is the task in woods
task was fun to keep their interest but easy for child to do but complete enough to extend them
construct pyramid from set of jumbled blocks - high EV
what is the tutors job in the task
Gail ross- allow child to do as much for themselves as possible
each child tutored individual- small table of 21 blocks spread out on it
5 mins free play, after which tutor took 2 blocks and demonstrated how they would be joined together as a pair