Appendicular skeleton Flashcards
clavicle- collar bone
s- shaped, easily palpated, braces shoulder, and most commonly fractured bone
scapula- shoulder blade
superior, medial, and lateral borders, coracoid process for biceps attachment, glenoid cavity-the socket for humerus overlies ribs 2-7, superior, inferior, and lateral angles, spine- ridge on posterior surface, acromion- apex, supraspinous and infraspinnous fossa
upper limb
3 regions containing 30 bones
brachium- shoulder to elbow; humerus
proximal end- head for glenoid cavity, intertubercular- salcus for biceps tendon. distal end- capitulum for radius, trochlea for ulna. olecranon fossa- deep posterior pit
antebrachium- forearm; radius and ulna
proximal ends (elbow region), radius has disc shaped head for capitulum of humerus. ulna has olecranon and trochlear notch for humerus. ulna has radial notch for head of radius to spin. distal end (wrist region) radius has styloid process. radius has ulnar notch for head of ulna. ulna has round head with styloid process
manus- hand 27 bones including carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
carpal bones two rows of 4 small bones, proximal row; scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform. distal; trapezium trapezoid, capitate, hamate. metacarpals- bones of palm, 1-base of thumb (pollex), 5-base of little finger, base- proximal end, body- shaft, head- distal end (forms knuckle). phalanges- bones of fingers, pollex- thumb (has 2 bones), three bones in all others. 2-5 proximal, middle, and distal
articulated pelvis
pelvic girdle- girdle= 2 hip (coxal) bones + sacrum. joints- sacroiliac joints, pubic symphysis
hip bone
ilium- iliac crest, iliac spines. Ischium- ischial tuberosity. Pubis- pubic rami. Acteabulum- hip socket. obturator foramen
true pelvis (lesser)
pelvic outlet defines lower margin of lesser pelvis. contains urinary bladder, colon, and internal reproductive organs. this space is enclosed by inlet and outlet. the pelvic outlet is inferior opening that is bounded by coccyx, ischial tuberosities, and pubic symphysis.
false pelvis (greater)
upper broader portion of pelvic cavity. part of abdomen. separated by pelvic brim
more robust, prominent markings, narrower, deeper, smaller (heart shaped) pelvic inlet and outlet, tilted less forward, arch 50- 60 degrees, adapted for support of males heavier build, and stronger muscles. cavity of true pelvis is narrow and deep
adapted to child birth, wider, shallower, larger (round) pelvic inlet and outlet, arch 80-90 degrees, true pelvis (inferior to pelvic brim) defines birth canal. cavity of true pelvis is broad, shallow, and has greater capacity