Antimicrobial chemical (Lab material for lab exam) Flashcards
What are antiseptics?
Are microbe-killing chemicals applied to living tissue, and include hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and iodine.
What are disinfectants?
are microbe-killing chemicals appiled to inert surfaces, and include chlorine bleach and lysol, among many others
What are antibiotics?
are microbe-inhibiting or killing chemicals taken internally (in pill of liquid form)
What is the zone of inhibition?
the size depends on the sensitivity of the microbe to the chemical. In other words, the larger the zone of inhibition, the more senstive the microbe is to the chemical.
What is the Disk-diffusion test or kirby-Bauer method?
look at the lab book( it is what we did with the petri plate)
What are antibiotics
a microbe-inhibiting or killing chemicals taken internally
-Can be described as a drug that targets the cell wall, that is powerful but potentially toxic. This drug is reserved for use when other drugs are not effective.
-Narrow spectrum and potentially toxic, reserved for when other drugs are not effective or in people with penicillin allergies
Is a mechanism of resistance used by bacteria to defend itself against carbapenem antibiotics.
This is a gene protein product that some bacteria make. A bacterial strain that contains this strand is resistant to some strong antibiotics. NDM-1 stands for New Delhi-B-lactamase-1.
Is an important mechanism of resistance for an increasingly wide range of bacteria of Gram-negative bacteria, which leads to infections. KPC stands for Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase.
The development of new antibiotics has slowed down dramatically due to expensive funds to do so. When it comes to funding things like this, the money usually comes from taxes, many people that pay taxes don’t like the idea of them being raised. This therefore slows down the development of new antibiotics.
How is antibiotic resistance a collective problem?
Antibiotic resistance is a collective problem by there being an overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics that used to work for certain infectious diseases, are now more resistant to the antibiotic.
What role does food (both meat AND vegetables) play in the transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria?
The role that meat plays in the transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria is that farmers are using antibiotics to treat their livestock when they become sick. The overuse of antibiotics for the livestock leads to the bacteria surviving the drug that is given
summarize the 4 Core Actions to Fight Resistance published by the CDC.
-Avoid infections by making sure you have all proper vaccines, washing hands, preparing food properly, and only taking antibiotics when needed
-Keep track of the latest antibiotic resistant infections, that way one can be aware of the effects and risk factors of them.
-Cutting down on the overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals and only using antibiotics when it’s absolutely necessary
-Produce new antibiotics to help stop antibiotic resistance and diagnostic tests to help with tracking the development of it
How does the death toll from antibiotic-resistant infections compare to that from HIV/AIDS and malaria?
The death toll from antibiotic-resistant infections is not the leading causing deaths worldwide compared to HIV/AIDS and malaria. In the article, “The Hidden Epidemic”, Miranda Dixon Luinenburg’s states, “864,000 and 643,000 deaths in 2019 respectively, according to the Lancet’s Global Burden of Disease study.”
What proportion of medically important antibiotics in the U.S. Is it used in livestock?
The proportion is two-thirds of the total medically important antibiotics in the U.S. is used in livestock.
What are three ways to slow the spread of antibiotic resistance?
Three ways to slow the spread of antibiotic resistance are more selective use of antibiotics, tighter infection control measures, and rapid investment in new treatments.