Anterior & medial Thigh Muscles Flashcards
Anterior compartment of thigh (6)? Common function? Common nerve innervation?
- Sartorius
- Rectus Femoris
- Vastus Lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus Intermedius
- Articularis Genus
**extensor of knee joint
EXCEPTION: sartorius
N: femoral
Sartoruis O, I & function (5)?
I: Medial proximal tibia shaft (pes anserine tendon)
Function: FALF + med rot
1. Flex thigh @ hip
2. Abd @ hip
3. Lateral rot @ hip
4. Flex leg @ knee
5. Med rot. of knee
Rectus femoris O,I & function?
straight/anterior: AIIS
reflected posterior: groove above acetabulum
I: base of petalla via quad tendon & tibial tuberosity via patella ligament
1. Extend leg @ knee
2. Flex thigh @ hip
Vastus lateralis & vastus intermedius function?
- extend leg @ knee
Vastus Medialis O, I & function
O: intertrochanteric line, linea aspera (medial lip), medial supracondylar line
I: Medial border of patella via quad tendon & tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
1. Extend leg @ knee
Articularis genus function (2)?
- Elevates capsule & synovial membrane of the knee joint
- Prevents them from being pinched during leg extension
Medial/adductor compartment of the thigh muscles (5)?
- Pectineus
- Adductor Longus
- Adductor Brevis
- Adductor Magnus
- Gracilis
Nerve innervation of medial /adductor compartment of thigh?
All obturator n. except
Pectineus = femoral n.
Adductor Magnus posterior head = tibial n
Pectineus functions (2)?
- Add thigh @ hip
- Flex thigh @ hip
Adductor longus & brevis functions (3)?
- Add thigh @ hip
- Flex thigh @ hip
- Lateral rotation @ hip
Adductor Magnus function (4)?
anterior & posterior head
- Add thigh @ hip
- Flex thigh @ hip (anterior)
- Extend thigh @ hip (post)
- Lat. rot @ hip joint
Adductor Hiatus?
opening between 2 heads of adductor Magnus where femoral a & v pass through
Gracilis function (4)?
- Add thigh @ hip
- Flex thigh @ hip
- Flex leg @ knee
- Med rot @ knee
Scissor’s Gait?
Adductor muscle spastic in patients with cerebral palsy
-need tenotomy
Pes Anserinus?
Sartorius + gracilis + semitendinosus all insert on proximal medial tibial shaft
**Say Grace before Tea (from outside to inside)
1. Sartorius
2. Gracilis
3. Semitendinosus
Femoral triangle?
triangular depression on front upper thigh with apex continuous with adductor canal (Intermuscular space situated on medial side of middle 1/3 thigh)
Femoral triangle borders?
Lateral: Sartorius m.
Medial: Adductors
Base: Inguinal Ligament
Femoral triangle contents?
Lateral to medial:
Nerve (femoral)
Artery (femoral)
Vein (femoral)
Empty space
Femoral Canal?
-inverted cone shaped fascial space within femoral triangle, medial to femoral v.
-opens superiorly as femoral ring
FNC: allows vein to expand during increased venous blood return
-femoral hernias can occur in the empty space