Anatomy of Abdomen & Thorax Flashcards
Cavity that is divided into 3 sections/spaces
2 separate pleural cavities that
- house the right & left lungs
1 mediastinum
- houses the heart, thoracic parts of the great vessels, the
trachea, left & right bronchi & other structures
Thoracic Cavity
houses the heart, thoracic parts of the great vessels, the
trachea, left & right bronchi & other structures
house the right & left lungs
2 pleural cavities
How many pairs of ribs are housed in the thoracic cavity
12 pairs
thoracic vertebrae + 12 pairs of ribs
thoracic cavity
2 Main functions of the thoracic cavity (thoracic vertebrae + 12 pairs of ribs)
- protect vital respiratory & circulatory organs
- assist the lungs w/ inspiration & expiration
ribs 1-7 are attached to the sternum by separate costal cartilages are called
(direct connection)
sternal or true ribs
ribs 8-10 have cartilages that join each other & the 7th rib are called
(connect, but indirect)
false ribs
11 & 12 ribs remain unattached to the sternum but do have muscle attachments
(soft tissue holding them in place)
Floating ribs
Posterior boundary of thoracic cavity
mid spine
Superior boundary of thoracic cavity
shoulder girdle (clavicle area)
Lateral boundary of thoracic cavity
rib cage
Anterior boundary of thoracic cavity
Inferior boundary of thoracic cavity
Diaphragm separates which 2 cavities
thoracic & abdominal cavities
lies between the diaphragm and the pelvis and is bounded by the margin of the lower ribs
superior border of abdomen
base of ribs
inferior border of abdomen
pelvic area (iliac spine)
How many quadrants is the abdomen divided into
Muscles of the abdomen include
rectus abdominis
external oblique
internal oblique
Transverse abominis
muscles involved in trunk flexion, rotation & lateral flexion
rectus abdominis
external oblique
internal oblique
deepest muscle holds the abdominal contents in place
Aids in forced expiration (blow out bday candles)
transverse abdominis
tendinous inscriptions
6-pack development
The abdominal viscera is made up of
hollow & solid organs
include the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and urinary bladder
hollow organs
includes the kidneys, spleen, liver, and pancreas
solid organs
organs more at jeopardy from an injury are
solid organs bc area doesn’t give which = damage
Organ that is an exception in hollow organs
urinary bladder
empty = give
full = solid = blow to area = rupture
Upper right quadrant of abdomen
gall bladder
large and small intestine
Upper left quadrant of abdomen
Lower right quadrant of abdomen
large and small intestine
ascending colon
Lower left quadrant of abdomen
large and small intestine
descending colon
Is appendicitis an athletic injury?
No major organs quadrant
lower left quadrant of abdomen
A cavity that lies next to the abdominal cavity and includes
the reproductive system
urinary tract
parts of the low digestive system.
Pelvic Cavity
4 solid organs
- kidneys
- spleen
- liver
- pancreas
4 hollow organs
- urinary bladder
- stomach
- intestines
- gall bladder