Anatomy Flashcards
Does the gluteal region have anterior and posterior?
No, just posterior
What muscles make up the superficial muscle group
gluteus maximimus, medius, minimus, tensor fascia latae
What do the superficial muscle group do?
extensors, abductors, medial rotators of thigh
what nerve innervates the superficial muscle group of gluteal region?
superior gluteal nerve (gluteus maximus is innervated by trendelenburgs gait (max is inferior)
what muscles are in the deep muscle group
piriformis, gemilli, obturator internis, quadratus femoris
What do the deep muscles of gluteal region act as
lateral rotators of thigh and hip stabilisers
what is the nerve innervation of the deep muscles
sacral plexus
Where do the nerves enter/ extit the perineum?
greater and lesser sciatic foramen
What ligaments help form the 2 sciatic foramen
sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligament
When injecting which quarter do you inject into
top left, lateral
Which 3 nerves enter/exit via gluteal region
sciatic, pudendal, posterior cutaneus nerve of the thigh
What is the level of the sciatic nerve and what does it innervate
L4-S3, posteriori thigh, all of leg, foot and skin
What is the level of the pudendal and what does it supply
S2-S4, perineum
What does the posterior cuteness nerve of the thigh do?
skin over posterior thigh, popliteal fossa, lat perineum and medial thigh
Does the sciatic nerve innervate the gluteal region?
Hell Nooooo
What does the sciatic nerve split into?
tibial an commmon fibular nerve
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle
top- inguinal ligament, lateral- adducts longs, medial, sartorius, roof- deep fascia, floor- iliopsoas and pectineus
What procedure is used to release pressure built up in compartment syndrome
Name muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh
flexors- iliopsoas, pectineus and sartorius extensor- quadriceps femoris
What does the femoral nerve innervate
anterior compartment of the thigh. L2-L4 Psoas major innervates the iliopsoas also
Name medial compartments of the thigh
adductor longus, brevis, magnus, gracilis and obturator externus
What nerve innervates the medial compartment of the thigh
obturator nerve. (hamstring part of adductor magnus is supplied by tibial nerve)
What is in the posterior compartments of the thigh
semitendinous, semimembranous and biceps femoris
What supplies the posterior compartment of the thigh
sciatic nerve L5-S2. Short head of biceps femurs is supplied by common fibular division
What is contained within the anterior compartment of the leg
dorsiflexors of ankle and extensors of toes- tibias anterior, extensor digitorium longus, extensor helices longus, fibularis tertius
What nerve supplies the anterior leg
Deep fibular nerve- L4-5
What is in lateral compartment of leg
evert foot- fibularis longus, fibulas brevis
What does the superficial fibular nerve supply
lateral leg compartment
Posterior compartment of leg
plantar flexors of ankle- gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris
Which nerve supplies all of the posterior compartment of leg
tibial nerve
What are the deep group of posterior leg
popliteus, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus and tibial posterior
boundaries of the popliteal fossa
biceps femoris, semimembranous, gastrocnemius and popliteal fossa
Describe the route taken by the superficial lymphatics
follow saphenous veins, superficial inguinal nodes and external iliac lymph nodes
What is the route taken by the deep lymphatics
follow deep veins, deep inguinal nodes and then external iliac lymph nodes
What makes up the hip joint
Acetabulum of hip and head of femur
Name the 3 ligaments in the hip
iliofemoral, pubofemoral and ischiofemoral
what arises from the deep femoral arteries
medial and lateral circumflex arteries
where are the 3 articulations of the knee
2x femerotibial and 1 femeropatellar
Name the extra capsular ligaments in knee
lateral and medial collateral ligaments and patellar ligament
Ligamets within the knee
What is layman term for calcanea tendon
Achilles tnedon
what tendon make up the calcanea tendon
gastrocnemius and soleus
Why is the spine so important
support structures and protect neurological conditions and allow flexibility and movement
What are the compartments of the spine
x7 cervical x12 thoracic x5 lumber x5 sacral and 4 coccyx
What do facet joints do?
stabilise spinal column whilst allowing movement
What makes up the upper cervical region
C1 and C2
What is the first palpable vertebra?
There is a lot of movement in thoracic region true or false
false- there is little movement
Which ligaments run the length of the vertebral column
anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament
what ligament links the vertebral laminae
ligamentum flavum
is the intraspinous ligament weak or strong?
relatively weak
How many columns are injured when spinal injury becomes unstable?
What are the muscles of the spine?
superficial, intermediate- serratus posterior, superior and inferior, and deep
What movement does the superficial muscle provide?
Movement of shoulder and upper limb
What are the superficial spinal muscles
trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboid minor and major, levatus scapularis
What dose the trapezius do?
elevates and depresses scapula
What do the deep muscles provide?
movement of vertebral column and posture
what is the main deep muscles
erector spinae muscles (iliocostalis, longisimus thoracis, spinalis thoracis
What do the deep muscles innervate?
posterior rami of spinal nerves
What is the spinal cord a continuation of
medulla oblongata
What do the nerves in your cervical spine supply
what spinal region supplies the middle of the body
What do the lumbar spinal nerves supply?
what do the sacral nerves supply
pelvis, posterior legs
What is a myotome
muscles controlled by motor element of nerve root
what is a dermatome?
SKIN SENSATION SUPPLIED BY nerve root at specific level
What lies in the white matter
ascending sensory and descending motor tracts
What 2 things join to form the nerve root
ventral and dorsal roots
What is the blood supply of the spine?
anterior and posterior spinal arteries, Batsons venous plexus- valveless veins
What is the anterior arterial, venous and nerve supply to the arm
brachial, brachial and musculocutaneous
What is the posterior arterial, venous, nerve drainage to the arm
profunda brachii x2, radial
anterior forearm?
radial, ulnar, venae comitantes, median,
Posterior forearm?
interosseous, venae comitantes and radial
What is the arterial and nerve supply to the hand
deep and superficial palmar arch and ulnar nerve
Name 5 synovial joints
hinge, ball and socket, saddle, plane, condyloid/ ellipsoid,
What happens in the grey matter
descending motor tracts enter anterior horn of grey matter and transmitted via ventral root to nerve root. The posterior rami goes to the intrinsic muscles of the back and the anterior rami goes to the rest of the body.
What do the nerves innervate that make up the caudal equina?
L2-5, S1-5, coccygeal
what is the blood supply to the head of the femur
obturator branch
what does the lateral and medial circumflex artery supply?
the neck of the femur
What muscles abduct the hip
gluteus medius and minimus
what muscles extend the hip
gluteus maximus
Where does the short head of the biceps femorus attach?
linea aspera
What muscles are in the anterior compartment of the leg
tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus tertius
what is in the lateral compartment of the leg
fibulas longus, fibula’s brevis
What is in the deep posterior leg
tibiaslis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, popliteus
What is in the superficial posterior compartment of leg
gastrocnemius, soles and plantaris
What does the deep peroneal nerve supply
the space between 1st and second toe
What does the rural nerve supply
5th toe
Where is the deltoid ligament o
on the ankle medially
Which tendon/ ligament helps support the medial arch
tibialis posterior tendon and spring ligament
What is pes planus
flat feet
where is the tibias posterior dysfunction most commonly occur
posterior to medial malleolus
What does the posterior tibias do?
stabilised medial longitudinal arch
What is associated with tibias posterior dysfunction, varus or valgus
How do you treat TPD
physio, insole, footwear change, NO injections, surgery
What is pes cavus?
Opposite of flat foot
What sign is common with pes cavus
clawing of toes
Descrive plantar fasciitis
pain after rest/ exercising, swelling under heel and tenderness
How do you treat plantar fasciitis
NSAIDS, night splints, taping, heel cups, physio, steroid injection
Is hallux values self limiting?
Does hallux valgus occur bilaterally or singly
What can you do to treat hallux valgus
shoe modification, padding or operative
What is the first line surgery of hallux rigidus
What percentage of people does rheumatoid foot occur in?
What is morons neuroma
degenerative fibrosis in digital nerve§
How would you treat achilles tendinosis
NSAIDS, orthotics, physio, surgery, shockwave therapy?
What do you do with a ankle sprain?
rest, ice elevate, physio
True or false, if you fracture one malleolus you are likely to do the same on the other side
If there is a stable fracture, would you put your patient in a cast or boot?
Where in the shoulder is susceptible to dislocation
acromioclavicular joint
Which muscles move the shoulder girdle
superficial muscles of the back
what does the trapezius do?
elevate and depress scapula and retract
Why is the glenerohumeral joint susceptible to?
dislocation, OA, adhesive capsulitis
What is the labrum useful for?
What do rotator cuff muscles do?
stabilise the shoulder and move the arm
What does supraspinatous muscle do?
abduct arm
what does infraspinatous do?
externally rotate the arm
What does the teres minor do
externally rotate the arm
What does the subscapulairs do
internally rotate the arm
What three muscles insert tat the greater tuberosity of the humerus
supraspinatous, infraspinatous and teres minor
What is the rotator cuff susceptible to?
tears and impingement
What muscles move the arm
deltoid (abducts arm), biceps brachii (flex elbow, supinates forearm),
Which muscle is susceptible to tendonitis
biceps brachii
In the elbow which bone is susceptible to fracture
radial neck and head
What kind of disease/ fractures is the elbow susceptible to?
OA and RA, elbow dislocation and olecranon fractue
Where is particularly susceptible to fractures in children?
supracondylar region of the elbow
What is the olecranon bursa susceptible to?
Where is the site for all extensor muscles of the forearm
lateral epicondyle
Where are extensors found in wrist?
on the palm facing down (dorsal)
where are flexors found on wrist
volar side (palm facing up)
Medial epicondyle is the site where flexors/extensors insert
Which bone is it that rotates during pronation and supination
What would a distal radial fracture look like?
a bent fork
What controls the fine motor control in the hands?
intrinsic muscles
what do extrinsic muscles control
finger flexion and extension of wrist
What does the thenar muscles do and what are they (3 muscles)
moves thumb
opponens pollici, flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis
What is the hypothenar muslce
abductor digiti minimi
What are the intrinsic muscles of the hand
interossei muscles (dorsal- abducts and palmar- adducts fingers at MCPJ) Lumbrical muscles
Where does the flexor digitorium superficialis pass and do
carpal tunnel and flexes fingers at proximal IPJ
what flexes the distal IPJ?
flexor digitorum profundus
Which annular ligament is most commonly involved in trigger finger
What do the cruciate pulley do
prevent sheath collapse during digital motion
What disease is palmar fascia susceptible to
What is the arterial supply to the hand
radial and ulnar artery > deep and superficial arch > common digital arteries
The arterial supply of the digits is related to side of digit (i.e. radial and ulnar) as opposed to the artery it originates from
so if side is closer to ulnar, it will be ulnar ect ect
What is the peripheral nerves if the hand
median, ulnar and radial- cutaneous sensation
What does the median nerve supply
flexors of forearm, radial 3.5 digits and base of thenar muscles
what does the ulnar nerve supply
small muscles of hand, ulnar 1.5 digits- test dorsum and volar parts of little finger
What does the radial nerve supply
extensors of the forearm- test dorm of first web space
What makes up the brachial plexus
lower 4 cervical nerves and first thoracic nerve root (C5-8& T1)
What regions does the brachial plexus reach?
neck, axilla, arm
What does Real Texans Drink Cold Beer stand for
R- roots, T- trunks D- divisions C-cords B-branches
Where do you get carpal tunnel syndrome?>
at the wrist
If the ulnar nerve is compressed in the cubital fossa what happens
cubital tunnel syndrome
What nerve is compressed during carpal tunnel syndrome
median nerve