List the segments of the urinary system.
Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, Urethra
Identify the segments of the female mammalian reproductive tract.
Ovary, Uterine Tube, Uterus, Vagina, Vulva
Identify the segments of the male mammalian reproductive tract.
Testes, Sperm Ducts, Urethra, Penis
What are the segments of the avian reproductive tract responsible for egg production?
Infundibulum, Isthmus, Magnum, Uterus, Vagina
List the regions of the kidney.
Renal Cortex, Renal Medulla, Renal Pelvis
What is the fibroconnective tissue covering of the kidneys?
Renal Capsule
What is the indented portion of the kidney called?
Renal Hilum
Name the structures that enter the renal pelvis.
Renal Artery, Renal Vein, Ureter
What are the internal structures of the kidneys?
Renal Medulla, Renal Cortex, Renal Pyramids, Renal Papilla, Minor and Major Calyx
List the parts of the nephron and their functions.
Renal Corpuscles (filters blood), Renal Tubules (reabsorption and hormone site)
Which part is responsible for sperm formation?
Seminiferous Tubules
Which part is responsible for sperm maturation?
Tail of Epididymis (Caudal)
What muscular tube contracts during ejaculation?
Vas Deferens or Ductus Deferens
What secretes seminal fluid?
Accessory sex glands (Ampullary, Bulbourethral/Cowper’s Gland)
What is the only accessory sex gland present in dogs?
Prostate Gland
What is the common passageway for urine and seminal fluid?
What is the male organ of copulation?
What is the fold of skin surrounding and protecting the free extremity of the penis?
What surrounds and suspends the testicles?
What secretes progesterone and estrogen?
Ovarian follicles (estrogen), Corpus Luteum (progesterone)
What is extruded from the Graafian follicle during ovulation?
What are the finger-like projections that help catch the ova?
What is the funnel-shaped portion of the uterine tube?
What is the site of fertilization in the mammalian reproductive tract?
Magnum in uterine tube
What is the type of uterus in single-bearing animals?
What is the type of uterus in multiple-bearing animals?
What is the uterine neck called?
What is the birth canal for delivery of the fetus?
What is the external female genitalia called?
What is the shape of the uterus in a horse?
Cornua is slightly curved or nearly straight
What is the shape of the uterus in an ox?
Slight spiral twist
Which vertebrae are the kidneys located ventral to?
Lumbar vertebrae (LV 1-4)
What are the components of the renal corpuscles?
Glomerulus and Bowman’s Capsule
What connects the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder?
What muscle in the ureters is responsible for peristaltic waves?
Smooth muscle
What is the temporary storage site for urine?
Urinary Bladder
What is the main part of the urinary bladder?
What is the constricted portion of the urinary bladder?
What is the blunt, flask-shaped anterior extremity of the urinary bladder?
What is the triangular area in the bladder near the neck?
What are the peritoneal folds keeping the bladder in position?
Middle umbilical fold, Two lateral umbilical folds
What is the lining epithelium of the urinary tract from renal pelvis to urethra?
Transitional epithelium
What is the lining epithelium near the urethral orifice?
Stratified squamous epithelium
What is the shape of the kidney in horses?
Right is heart-shaped, Left is bean-shaped
What is the shape of the kidney in oxen?
Lobulated with no renal pelvis
What is the shape of the kidney in dogs?
Bean-shaped with renal crest projecting into the renal pelvis
What is the main blood supply to the kidneys?
Renal artery
What is the blood supply of the male reproductive tract?
Internal spermatic artery, External pudendal artery
What is the blood supply of the female reproductive tract?
Internal pudendal artery
What are the layers of the uterus?
Perimetrium, Myometrium, Endometrium
What is the erectile tissue in the vulva?
What is the transit time of an egg in the infundibulum of birds?
15 minutes
What is the transit time of an egg in the magnum of birds?
3 hours
What is the transit time of an egg in the uterus of birds?
Approximately 21 hours
What is the transit time of an egg in the vagina of birds?
Less than 1 minute