ANAT LEC: Digestive System Flashcards
Responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients in a from of waste products (stool/ feces/ manure)
Digestive System
What are the three components of Digestive System
- Digestive Tract
- Digestive Glands
- Accessory Digestive Structures
What are the components of the digestive tract or alimentary canal?
- Mouth
- Pharynx
- Esophagus
- Glandular stomach
- Small intestine
- Large intestine
- Anus
What are the components of Digestive Glands?
- Salivary Glands
- Liver and gall bladder
- Pancreas
What are the components of Accessory Digestive System?
- Teeth
- Tongue
- Cheeks
- Lips
- Soft palate
- Hard palate
It has structures for mechanical digestion of foods.
Mouth/ oral cavity/ buccal cavity
Boundaries of mouth: Dorsal
- hard and soft palate
-upper set of teeth
Boundaries of mouth: Ventral
- lower set of teeth
- tongue
- floor of mouth
Boundaries of mouth: lateral
-left and right cheeks
What is the tissue lining of the cheeks made of?
Simple squamous epithelium
Boundaries of mouth: Rostral
- upper and lower set of lips
Boundaries of mouth: caudal
It connects the mouth to the esophagus and serves as a common passage way of food, water, and air.
What are the three apertures of pharynx?
- Oropharynx
Aperture of pharynx that opens to the mouth.
Aperture of pharynx that opens to the nasal cavity.
Aperture of pharynx that opens up to the larynx and esophagus.
Musculo- membranous tube that extends from the pharynx to the stomach.
Passage way of bolus
Follow up: what is the pH of bolus
F: slightly alkaline
What is the bolus that passes through the esophagus called?
What are the three segments of esophagus?
Segment of esophagus along the cervical vertebra.
Segment of esophagus near the thoracic vertebra.
Segment of esophagus near the lumbar vertebra
FQ: this segment is only called _______ when it passes through _________ of the diaphragm
- Hiatus Esophagy
Separates from the thoracic from abdominal. It is the main inspiratory muscle.
What are the layers of the esophagus?
- tunica mucosa
- tunica submucose
- tunica muscularis
- tunica adventitia
Inner layer of the esophagus
Outer layer of the esophagus
Tunica mucosa (inner layer)
Tunica adventitia (outer layer)
A layer of esophagus made of thick connective tissue.
FQ: layer of stomach made of thin CT
Tunica adventita
Tunica serosa
The outer layer of the stomach.
Tunica serosa
A muscular bag which temporary stores chyme. Pear- shaped.
Ingesta upon mixing of bolus with gastric juice.
Fq: What is the ph of the answer and why?
Strongly acidic (hydrochloric acid)
What are the 4 parts of the stomach?
What are the 2 sphincter of the stomach and where can you find them?
Fq: what is their fnx?
- cardiac sphincter ( between esophagus and stomach)
-pyloric sphincter ( between stomach and duodenum)
Fq: prevent the backflow of ingesta
What are the 4 layers of the stomach?
- tunica mucosa
- t. Submucosa
-t. Muscularis
-t. Serosa
These are microscopic structures present in the body and fundus
Gastric gland
The gastric glands are composed of 2 cells. What are they?
Give their secretions.
-chief cells- secretes pepsinogen ( inactive form of pepsin)
- parietal cells- secretes HCl
What are the surfaces of the stomach and where do they face?
-parietal surface ( faces outside)
- visceral surface (faces inside)
What are the two curvatures of the stomach and where do they face?
- greater curvature (slpeen)
- lesser curvature ( liver)
Enumerate the 2 extremities of the stomach and where is it located?
- right extremity (near pylorus)
- left extremities ( near cardia)
What is the entrance of the stomach and where is it directed?
- Cardiac entrance (directed to left from esophagus)
What is the exit of stomach and where is it directed?
Fq: what guards it?
- pyloric exit (directed to right)
Fq: pyloric sphincter
It is a disease that affects large and deep chested dogs.
GDV (Gastric Dilation- Vuluulus) causes the stomach to twist
What holds the stomach in place?
- by pressure of surrounding organs
- by the esophagus
- by five peritoneal folds
What are the 5 peritoneal folds that holds the stomach in place?
Fq: It supports the Large and Small intestine
- Gastro- Phrenic (diaphragm)
- Gastro- Splenic (spleen)
- Gastro- pancreatic (pancreas)
- Greater- Omentum (attached to greater curvature)
-Lesser Omentum (attached to lesser curvature)
Fq: Mesentery
The small intestine is named base on its diameter.
The diameter of small intestine is larger than L intestine.
The length of the small intestine is shorter than L intestine.
False (it is smaller)
False (it is longer)
What are the segments of the small intestine?
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- Ileum
It is the first segment of the small intestine. Describe it.
- where bile and pancreatic duct empties their content
- thickest segment
It is the longest segment, most movable, and most absorptive segment of small intestine.
It is the terminal segment of the small intestine and has immunologic function.
Fq: it has no intestinal infection due to?
- Lymphoid aggregates (Peyer’s Patches)
What are the fixed and mesenteric part of the small intestine?
Duodenum (fixed)
Jejunum and ileum (mesenteric)
The jejunum and ileum is connected with the ___________ abdominal wall by a double layer of ___________ (common mesentery)
Fq: the root of common mesentery is attached to a point close to the origin of cranial mesentery of what vertebra?
Fq: 1st and 2nd lumbar vert.
What is the features of the interior small intestine?
Fq: these are microscopic features; brush border; more applicable to convoluted tube of kidney
- vili (visible to the eyes)
- peyer’s patches
Fq: microvili
What are the ducts of small intestine?
- cystic duct
- hepatic duct
- bile duct
- dorsal/ accessory and ventral pancreatic duct
A small intestine duct found upon the gallbladder.
Cystic duct
A small intestine duct found upon the lobar duct (lobe of liver)
Hepatic duct
A small intestine duct found upon the union of hepatic and cystic duct.
Bile duct
A small intestine duct found upon the pancreas.
Fq: T/F they are cannot unite.
Dorsal/ accessory pancreatic duct (smaller)
Ventral pancreatic duct (bigger)
Fq: false (they may unit or can also be singular)
Has larger diameter than small intestine.
Large intestine
What are the three segments of large intestine?
Caecum, Colon, Rectum
Rudimentary for mono gastric animals and site of microbial fermentation in post- gastric fermenter.
Fq: what is the counter of it in humans?
Fq: appendix
Microbial fermentation in colon results to?
Fq: give 3 examples of it
VFA / Volatile Fatty Acids
Fq: Ascetic, Butyric, and Propionic acid
Where do post- gastric fermenters get their energy from?
Fq: How about Mono gastric animals?
- VFA (also uses glucose)
- Glucose
Main site for water and electrolyte reabsorption.
Fq: What are the parts of it?
- Colon
- Ascending, Transverse, Descending colon
Terminal segment of Large Intestine?
Terminal segment of digestive system?
Fq: what is the counter of it in chickens?
Fq: Vent
Longitudinal bands that runs along the outside of the Large Intestine.
These are at the periphery of large intestine and has sacculations caused by constriction of taenia.
The impaction of this gland causes the dog to scoot/ scooting.
Fq: what glands are present on both sides of it?
Fq: What surgical procedure can be done to remove this gland?
-Anal glands
- Parasinus gland (sides)
- circum- anal glands (further back of skin)
- Anal sac ablation
What sphincter is present in anus?
Sphincter ani externi et interni
3 pairs of large glands located at the sides of the face and adjacent part of the neck.
Fq: enumerate the glands
Salivary glands
Mandibular/ submandibular
Zygomatic (in dogs)
Molar (in cats)
The largest salivary gland
Fq: what is the type of its secretion?
Parotid gland
Fq: Serous (in most animals)
Mixed in dogs
It is a gland located at the caudal of mandible. What is the type of its secretion?
Mandibular/ submandibular (mixed)
It is an orbital gland located adjacent to zygomatic bone (present only in dogs)
Zygomatic gland (mixed)
What are the types of secretion in glands?
Serous (watery)
Mucoid (thick)
Mixed (serous + mucoid)
Enumerate the ducts of salivary glands.
- parotid duct
- submandibular duct
- sublingual ducts
- zygomatic ducts
A duct of salivary gland that opens opposite 3rd upper cheek tooth at salivary papillae.
Parotid duct
A duct of salivary gland that opens to the lower canine teeth at sublingual caruncle.
Submandibular duct
A duct of salivary gland that has 30 short openings through small papillae on sublingual fold.
Sublingual duct
A duct of salivary gland that has 1 major and 3-4 minor opening near the last upper cheek tooth
The nutritional guardian of the body; largest gland
Site for drug bio transformation and secretes bile
Fq: give 2 examples
Where is the bile temporarily stored?
Fq: aspirin (cats) theobromine
Where is the gallbladder embedded in the liver?
Fq: What animal does not have a gallbladder?
Fossa vesicae felae
Fq: horse
After a fatty meal, what influences the bile excretion in the duodenum?
Cck/ cholecytokinin
It is involved in the emulsification of fats.
The functional unit of the liver.
Hepatic lobule
What are the 3-4 lobes of liver? Define them.
Medial/ quadrate lobe- square shaped
Right lobe- associated with caudate lobe
Left lobe- left of medial lobe
Caudate lobe- has papillary process
Situated obliquely against the visceral surface of diaphragm.
What are the 2 surfaces of liver?
Parietal surface (convex)
Visceral surface (flat)
What are the 2 deep fissure that divides the liver into 3 lobes?
Central (same with medial)
Left lateral
Right lateral
Depression in the middle of visceral surface.
Structures that enter the porta.
Portal vein
Hepatic artery
Hepatic plexus of nerve
Structures that exit/leaves the porta.
What are the 6 ligaments that supports the liver?
Right triangular
Left triangular
What are the 2 portions of the pancreas? What represents them?
Exocrine (pancreatic acinar cells) and endocrine (islet of langerhans)
What enzymes of pancreatic juice are present in the pancreas?
Amylase- carbs (mouth: salivary amylase/ ptyaline)
Lipase- fats
Trysinogen (trypsinogen)
Chymotrypsinogen (chymotrypsin)
What hormones are secreted by islet of langerhans in the endocrine portion of the pancreas?
Fq: what cells are they under?
Insulin (alpha cells)
Glucagon (beta cells)
Pancreatic polypeptides (f cells)
What are the macroscopic description of the pancreas?
2 surfaces: dorsal and ventral
3 borders: right, left, and posterioir
3 angles: duodenal, splenic, and right
A reticulo- endothelial system of the abdominal structure. Graveyard of the body which filters RBC and recycles it in the bone marrow.
Fq: how many days does it take for an RBC to renew?
- spleen
Fq: 120 days
Where is the spleen situated in rumens and other animals?
- left of median plane
Rumens: left part of greater curvature of stomach
Describe the surfaces and borders of a spleen.
2 surfaces: parietal (umbok) and visceral (for attachements)
2 borders: anterior and posterior
2 extremities: dorsal (base) and ventral (apex)
The spleen is attached by?
-gastro- splenic omentum
It is used for chopping, grinding, and chewing food.
What are the 4 types of teeth?
- incisor
- canine
- premaxilla
- maxilla
A.k.a “nipper” and where is it implanted?
Fq: instead of nipper, what does ox and sheep have?
Where is it implanted?
Fq: dental pad
Incisive bone and body of mandible
A.k.a “holding teeth”
Where is it implanted?
Behind incisor in interveolar space
These are A.k.a “grinding teeth” . Where are they located and which is more posterior?
Fq: which is permanent?
Premolar (anterior) and molar (posterior)
What composes the cheek teeth?
What part of the horses’ teeth is considered the wolf tooth?
This is a.k.a as shearing/ cutting teeth and it has 3 roots (in dogs)?
What composes the shearing teeth?
Premolar and molar
1st premolar
Carnassial teeth
-last upper premolar
-first lower molar
This region of the teeth is covered with enamel and projects above the level of the gum.
This region of the teeth is covered with cementum and is embedded in the gum.
The line of junction of crown and root.
Center of the tooth and is made up of gelatinous mass of connective tissue called _________.
Fq: what is the blood supply of the answer in the blank?
What nerve innervates it?
Do fowls eat by using a teeth?
Pulp cavity
Fq: infraorbital and mandibular alveolar branches of internal maxillary
Trigeminal nerve (5)
NO! they have beaks!
Supported in a muscular sling fromed by mylohyoid muscle.
What are the parts of the tongue?
Fq: is the dorsum of the tongue papillated?
Fq: yes it is, by the lingual papillae
What are the types of papillae and describe them.
Fq: where can you find the tastebuds or gustatory cells?
Filiform- bristle like
Fungiform- mushroom shaped
Foliate- leaf shaped
Vollate- V shaped
Fq: Fungiform, foliate, vollate
What is the blood supply of the tongue?
What is the motor nerve supply?
What is the sensory nerve supply?
Bs: paired lingual and sublingual artery
Mn: hypoglossal nerve (12)
Sn: lingual nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve (9)
The hypoglossal nerve in the tongue innervates the?
- glioglosus
- hyoglosus
- styloglosus
Musculo- membranous structure which separates the mouth and pharynx.
Describe its parts and surfaces.
Soft palate
Has a base and free border.
Surfaces: oral and aboral
Part of the soft palate surface which has 2 short thick folds that runs through the free border to oral .
Anterior pillar
Partvof the soft palate surface that runs through free border of aboral to meet at the commencement of esophagus.
Posterioir pillar
Part of the soft palate surface which runs between the diverging anterior and posterior pillar. It houses _______ which is an immune defense of the oral cavity.
Tonsillar sinus
What are the 3 Intrinsic and 1 Extrinsic muscle that is present in the soft palate?
3 intrinsic
-levator veli palatini
- tensor veli palatini
- palatinus
1 Extrinsic
- Palato- pharyngeus
Bounded in front and on either sides by the alveolar arches which continues to soft palate. It has ridges called __________.
Hard palate
What ids the bony basis of the hard palate and what do you call them overall?
-premaxilla/ incisive
- maxilla
-horizontal part if the palatine bone
All together: palatine process