Ampere round 2 Flashcards
ITV has underlying structural problems which threaten its decline, including its OTT decline, by the magnitude of the decline is temporary and can be linked to COVID
What are it’s challenges
standard PSB - losing audiences to SVOD et al, especially young audiences, no attribution, relying of too few titles
What should it do
Work with the rest of PSB who shouldn’t be competing with each other anymore, the market has changed and they need to unite against big tech
How did you approach task
I recalled some things from documents i read which were relevant especially with regards to how COVID has affected ITV
I read their Q3 trading update to try and get the bigger picture and see what their take was on these trends
From there i concluded that magnitude of the fall is likely a temporary effect due to lack of content and the shift is audience behaviour due to increased audience availability
but the general direction of travel towards ITV usage declining in the long term has structural origins because and the ofcom report points out that ITV is really losing the young audience despite having a lot of good content
also, there’s no guarantee that even when we’re officially post COVID, things are going to be as they were which itself is a challenge for ITV
Questions for Dan and Richard
Consulting work
How well do the tasks reflect the day to day
Questions for Ben
Given Amperes growth in past years, whats your visions for say the next 5 years
Has COVID been disruptive to Amperes business?
what culture does Ampere Aspire to?
Questions for Ben
Given Amperes growth in past years, whats your visions for say the next 5 years
Has COVID been disruptive to Amperes business?
what culture does Ampere Aspire to?
Is there a