Alkenes 4.1.3 Flashcards
What is an Unsaturated Hydrocarbon?
A hydrocarbon with C=C or C≡C bonds
not sturated with atoms
What is a Saturated Hydrocarbon?
A hydrocarbon with only C-C bonds
staurated with atoms
What is the Bond Angle and shape around a C=C bond?
Trigonal Plannar
What is a Doub,le Bond?
When P orbitals overlap around a normal bond
What the name and symbol for a single bond?
What is the name and symbol for a double bond?
Why are Double bonds not double the strength of single bonds?
π bonds are not as strong as σ bonds
What shape is a Double Bond?
σ bonds are a straight line between the two atoms
π bonds are a area around the σ bond and not directly between the atoms
What is Stereoisomerism?
The fact that molecules with the same molecular formula are able to be arranged in different arrangements in 3d space
What is a Z Isomer?
An isomer where the group/atom are on the same side of the double bond
They have a C shape layout
Also known as Cis isomers
What is an E Isomer?
An isomer where the group/atom are on different sides of the double bond
They have a Z shape layout
Also known as Trans isomers
What is Hydrogenation?
When hydrogen is added to the C=C bond
What conditions does Hydrogenation take place in?
1000kPa (10atm)
Nickel or Platinum Catalyst
Define Electrophile?
An electron pair acceptor
What is Electrophilic Addition?
When a polar molecule reacts with an alkene
How are Alkenes tested for?
Bromine water will change from orange to clear if an alkene is added. as it will under go electrophilic addition
What is Steam Hydration?
When steam is reacted with an alkene to produce an alcohol
What is Markownikoff’s Rule?
That Hydrogen will preferable add to the carbon with the most hydrogens already attached
What is Polymerisation?
When C=C bonds are attached to C=C bonds of other alkenes to form long chains
What can be done with waste Polymers?
Burnt to produce energy (but produces CO2 and potentialy toxic fumes)
Discarded in landfill (but very bad for enviroment)
Made into short chain hydrocarbons (then into fuel, feedstock or more polymers)
What is a Repeat Unit?
It is the alkene which the polymer is made from in its polymer form.
(Single bonds stuck out each end)