Alcohols & Haloaklanes 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 Flashcards
How are Alcohols classified?
The carbon the OH is attached to only connects to one other carbon.
The carbon the OH is attached to connects to two other carbons.
The carbon the OH is attached to connects to three other carbons.
How is an Aldehyde produced?
Distilation of a primary alcohol with acidified potassium dichromate
How is a Carboxylic Acid produced?
Reflux of a primary alcohol with acidified potassium dichromate
How is a Ketone produed?
Reflux of a secondary alcohol with acidified potassium dichromate
What is the Functional Group of an Aldehyde?
But they have COH at end of structure
What is the Functional Group of a Carboxylic Acid?
But have COOH at end of structure
What is the Functional Group of a Ketone?
What are Physical properties of Alcohols?
Can Hydrogen bond
What is Reflux?
Continual boiling and condensing of a reaction mixture to ensure the reaction goes to completion without the mixture boiling dry
What is Distillation?
The technique of heating a liquid to create vapour, which is collected when cooled seperate from the original mixture
What is the Oxidising agent for Distillation and Reflux of Alcohols?
Acidified Potassium Dichromate
K2Cr2O7 / H+
what is Elimination of Water?
Also known as Dehydration
When an alcohol is heated with a catalyst (H2SO4) to form an alkene.
How do Alcohols react with Halide ions in the presence of an acid?
The alcohol group and the halide are substitued.
eg. CH3C(CH3)2OH + HCl → CH3C(CH3)2Cl + H2O
What are Haloalkanes?
Alkanes which posese at least one Halide instead of a hydrogen
What is a Nucleophile?
A species which can donate a pair of electrons
What happens in Nucleophilic Substitution?
A halide within a haloalkane is substituted for an alcohol group
What is Hydrolysis?
A reaction with water or OH- ions that breaks a compound into two compounds
What are CFCs?
What can CFCs be used for?
Refrigerant (gas in fridges and air con)
Dry Cleaning
What are Problems with CFCs?
They deplete ozone
Thus letting a far greater amount of UV in to the atmosphere.
How is Atom Economy calculated?
(Mass of desired product / Total mass of products) x 100
What is a good Atom Economy?
High atom economy as it means there are fewer bi-products. (therefore less waste)