Age Related Changes 2 Flashcards
Effects on heart
Heart wall thickens
Diastolic filling rate decr
Systolic BP incr
Left ventricular mass and volume decr
How are heart size and election fraction changed with age
No change
Changes to peripheral circulation
Max o2 consumption decr
Beta adrenergic modulation decr
Stroke volume incr
Why does stroke volume incr w age
Counteract decr heart rate
How does age related cardiac hypertrophy differ between males and females
Male - eccentric hypertrophy
Female - concentric hypertrophy
How does oestrogen decr in women with age affect cardiac hypertrophy
Oestrogen receptor prevents hypertrophy
Less oestrogen -> oestrogen receptor in cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts lost -> hypertrophy
Are AAA more likely in men or women
How are AAAs screened
How are AAAs found during screening managed
Small - not treated
Medium - checked for size incr next year
Large - check every 3 mo or emergency referral to surgeon
Effects on pulmonary system
Trachea and central airways incr in size
Chest wall thickens
Cilia nbr and activity decr
Glandular cell decr
Decr nerve endings in larynx
Decr IgA
How are pulmonary function measurements affected with age
Incr residual volume
Incr anatomic dead space
Decr lung weight
When are age related pulmonary changes noticeable
Effects of incr chest wall thickness
Loss of elastic recoil
Incr closing volume
Decr max expiratory flow
Incr resp failure risk
Why is respiratory infection risk increased with age
Less removal of pathogens - decr cilia, decr cilia activity, decr mucus secreting cells, blunted cough reflex
Less IgA
Less neutrophil migration
Why is the cough reflex blunted with age
Decreased nerve endings in larynx
Anatomical Effects on renal system
Kidney size decr
Glomeruli nbr decr
Renal tube changes
Renal blood vessels get smaller and thicker
Decr renal tubular cell nbr
Thickened tubular walls
Decr GFR
incr SNGRF
Effects of decr renal tubular cell number and incr tubular wall thickness
Decr ability to concentrate urine
Decr ability to clear drugs
Functional effects on renal system
Decr GFR
decr renal blood flow
Decr Na conservation
Why does Na conservation decr w age
Lower plasma renin activity
Urinary aldosterone excretion
Why are renal system changes more significant in diabetes patients
Changes to basement membrane
What can cause increase single nephron glomerular filtration rate with age
Compensatory hyper function due to loss of nephrons
Effects of ureter, urethra, and bladder tone and elasticity loss with age
Incomplete bladder emptying
Decr bladder capacity - incr urination freq and urgency
How does prostate growth effect bladder emptying
Compresses urethra
Effects of age on brain
Decr brain mass
Decr cerebral bloodflow
What do age related brain changes lead to
Decreased coordination
Prolonged reaction time
Short term memory impairment
Decr sensory conduction time
Incr BBB permeability
Is age related decr in white or grey matter more significant
Effects of increased BBB permeability
Easier for pathogens and drugs to reach brain
Which hormone is effected by age
Serotonin - loss of receptors
What can decreased serotonin effect
Sexual behaviour
Cardiac regulation
GI motility
Immuno modulation
Antidepressants function
Effects of ageing on vision
Presbyopia - lens growth and fluid loss decreases lens flexibility
Decr pupil size
Yellowing of lens
Decr lens fluid and lens flexibility
Dry eyes - lacrimal gland less effective
Effects on liver
Regeneration capacity decreases
Cell function decrease
Size decr
Lipofuscin accumulation in hepatocytes
Hepatic blood flow decr
Decr P450 enzymes - decr drug metabolism
Average hepatocytes lifespan
150 days
Why is the liver less effected by age than other organs
Effects on immune system
Decr innate immune cell function
Cell mediated response decr
Humeral response decr
Thymus size decr
Less T cell proliferation
Less antibody production
Incr pro inflammatory cytokines
Effects on innate immune cells
Neutrophils - decr chemotaxis, phagocytosis
Monocytes/macrophages - incr pro inflam CD16+ population, decr phagocytosis
Dendritic cells - decr nbr, less IL12
NK cells - function decr, decr chemokine production, nbr increase
Effects of thymus atrophy
Decr naive T cells
Effects on oral cavity
Loss of taste and smell
Effects on stomach
Gastric muscle atrophy
Gastric mucosa thins
Elastic fibres replace smooth muscle
Gastric secretion decr
pH decr
Gastric emptying slows
Why is B12 deficiency more common in old age
Incr pH decr B12 release from food
Why does gastric pH incr w age
Latent H pylori infection destroys parietal cells
Effects on intestines
Decr pancreatic and gastric enzymes
Fecal incontinence
Absorption of which nutrients are impeded with age
Vitamin d
Iron folic acid
Why are fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism not effected by decreased enzymes
Spare capacity of enzymes
What causes constipation and fecal incontinence with age
Slowed circulation
Decr thirst
Decr activity
Slowed peristalsis from decr GI tone
Effects on endocrine system
Reg and feedback mechanisms deteriorate
Binding affinity and receptor decr
Glucose tolerance decr
Sex hormone decr
What endocrine functions are effected by aging
Glucose homeostasis
Reproductive function
Calcium metabolism
Adrenal function
Thyroid function
Hair changes
Epidermis thins
Melanocyte decr
Decr elasticity
Pigment spots
Easier bruising
Sebaceous glands less active
Less subcutaneous fat
Sweat glands less active
Hair changes
Grey hair - follicles produce less melanin
Hair thickness decr
Hair growth rate decr
Why is bruising easier with age
Thinner skin
Fragile blood vessels