ABSITE Review - Stomach Flashcards
What is the approximate transit stomach time?
3-4 hours
Does peristalsis occurs in the stomach?
Only in distal stomach
What is the blood supply of the stomach?
Lesser curvature - right (common hepatic artery) and left gastric (celiac trunk)
Greater curvature - right (GDA) and left gastroepiploic artery (splenic artery), short gastric (splenic artery)
What the epithelium of the stomach mucosa?
Simple columnar
What are the glands in the cardia?
Mucus secreting
What are the glands in the fundus and body of the stomach?
Chief and parietal cells
What are the three stimulators for HCL secretion?
ACh, gastrin, histamine
What is the first enzyme in proteolysis?
What is released by the parietal cells?
H+ and intrinsic factor
How differs the mechanism for HCl release of histamine vs ACh/gastrin?
Histamine acts on adenylate cyclase –> cAMP –> protein kinase A to increase HCl
Ach/Gastrin act on phospholipase –> PIP –> DAG + IP3 to increase Ca; activates phosphorylase kinase –> increase HCl production
What is the main inhibitor of the H/K ATPase in parietal cell?
What are the inhibitors of the parietal cells?
Somatostatin, PGE1, secretin, CCK
What is the function of intrinsic factor?
Binds B12 and the complex is reabsorbed in the terminal ileum
What are the glands in the antrum and pylorus of the stomach?
Mucus and HCO3 screting glands, G cells, D cells
Where are the Brunner’s glands? What they secrete?
They are in the duodenum; they secrete pepsinogen and alkaline mucus
What are the causes of increase acid and gastrin?
ZES, antral cell hyperplasia, retained antrum, renal failure, gastric outlet obstruction, short bowel syndrome
What are the causes of increase gastrin but normal/low acid?
Pernicious anemia, chronic gastritis, gastric CA, postvagotomy, medical acid suppression
What are some causes of rapid gastric emptying?
Previous surgery (#1), ZES, ulcers
What are some causes of delayed gastric emptying?
Opiates, anticholinergics, myxedema, hyperglycemia, diabetes
What is a Billroth I?
Antrectomy with gastroduodenal anastomosis
What is a Billroth II?
Antrectomy with gastrojejunal anastomosis
What is the disavantage of a Billroth I and II vs RNY gastrojejunostomy?
Increase marginal ulceration and diarrhea
What is the Dieulafoy’s ulcer?
Vascular malformation
What is Menetrier disease?
Mucous cell hyperplasia, increase rugal folds
What is the cause of a Mallory Weiss tear? What is the treatment?
Forceful vomiting - presents as hematemesis following severe retching
Tx - EGD, tear is usually in lesser curvature (near GEJ), PPI, transfusion
If continued bleeding, may need gastrostomy and oversewing of the vessel.
What occurs in term of gastric emptying with vagal denervation?
All forms increase liquid emptying
What is a truncal vagotomy vs a selective vagotomy?
Truncal vagotomy - divides the vagal trunks at the level of the esophagus
Selective vagotomy - divides nerves of Latarjet
What is a highly selective (proximal) vagotomy?
Divides individual fibers, preserves “crow’s foot”