aabhemequick Flashcards
Vit K dependent Prothrombin group factors
Fibrinogen group, thrombin acts on, used up/not in serum
Intrinsic, factors…In..it also measures factors..drug it monitors…reagents…NV…phospholipoprotein inhibitor that prolongs aPTT,not corrected by mixing study…
8,9,11,12In aPTT it also measures 1,2,5,10heparinphospholipid+ Ca chloride30-36seclupus like anticoagulant
Common factors…measured in both…and….
Factors in Contact grp, alternate activation of intrinsic
extrinsic factors…In…also measures factors..drug names it monitors…reagent…NV….Uses…
TF/3, 71,2,5,20warfarin/coumadin thromboplastin10-13secUses INR/ISI
Prothrombinase complex is in common pathway and acts on prothrombin consist of these two factors and these two cofactors…
5a, 10acalcium+phospholipid
Protein C degrades…and…Protein…is cofactor that accelates inhibition
C degrades 5,8S is cofactor
Primary inhibitor of fibrinolytic system..Principal inhibitor of thrombin/10…
fibrinolytic: alpha2 antiplasmin-plasmin is main fibrinolysis agentInhibitor of thrombin/10: anthrombin 3
Labile coag factors…Severe liver disease coag factors..
1 fibrinogen2 prothrombin3 Tissue thromboplastin4 calicium5 labile7 stabile8 AHF A9 AHF B, christmas factor10 stuart prower11 AHF C12 Hageman13 fibrin stabilizing
7…9…two names10…12…
7: stabile9: ahf B, Christmas 10: stuart prower12: hageman
3 PLT disorders with increased BT and normal PLT ct…3 PLT disorderrs with increased BT and decreased PLT ct…
normal PLT:aspirin, vWD, Glanzmannsdecreased PLT:May Hegglin, BS, Wiscott
ITP, TTP, HUS, and DIC all have…PLT cts and …BT
decreased PLTs, increased BT
Two disorders with aggregation issues…-primary:-secondary:Two disorders with adhesion issues…
aggregation:-primary: Glanzmann only agg with ristocetin-secondary: Wiskott AldrichAdhesion:-vWB, BS
Most common inherited bleeding…2nd most common…Most common acquired inhibitor in hereditary def…Most common PLT disorder…
inherited bleeding:most common vWD,second Hemophiliaacquired inhibitor in hereditary def: 8Most common PLT disorder: aspirin
Disorder with no aggregation/flat line with anthing but ristocetin
Disorder with abnormal aggregation with most tests, except no aggregation/flat line with collagen
Two disorders with no aggregation/flat line with ristocetin
Order of hemotopoesis:
yolk sac, liver, spleen, BM
Embryonic hmg chains:-Gower 1:-Gower 2:-Portland:Newborn hmg and chains:Adult hmg and chains:
Embryonic hmg chains:-Gower 1: zeta, epilson-Gower 2: alpha, epilson-Portland: zeta, gammaNewborn hmg and chains: -F: alpha, gammaAdult hmg, chains, %:-A1: alpha, beta 97%-A2: alpha, delta 2%-F: alpha, gamma 1%Embroyonic has zeta, epilsonAdult has delta
Hmg electrophoresis:Cellulose acetate 8.4:slowest/cathode/- to fastest/anode+
Cellulose acetate 8.4:*slow(-) C, S, F, A fast(+)
Acronym for citrate agar 6.2 slowest/cathod to fastest anode…
cyanmethmg diluent…separate myoglobin from hmg with…sickle cell reagents, reducer/lyser…
cyanmethmg diluent…Drabkinsseparate myoglobin from hmg with…-ammoniun sulfatesickle cell reagents…-reducer: sodium dithionite-lyser: saponin
Cell ct formula…WBC area of 1 square(usually of 4)…RBC/PLT of each tiny square…-RBC usually count 5-PLT usually count all 25 of middle, which equals total of…
cells x DF/ total square area (#sqsxarea square) x 0.1WBC 1 square is 1mmRBC/PLT 1 square is 0.04PLTs all 25 is 1mm(one WBC square)
3 things used to create scatterplots…1 not used
scatter, volume, conductivitynot fluorescence
Retic % cal…correct retic…RPI:
Retics/10retic % x HCT/45RPI: corrected/maturation time factor
WBC correction for NRBCs
WBC x 100/NRBC+100
4 things that falsely increase Hmg
lipemia, ictericincreased WBC, proteinAll cloud reading
Normal MCV, hypochromia due to
Decreased RBC, HCTIncreased MCV/MCHC due to
cold agg
Decreased RBC, Hmg, HCT…
anemia*if hmg high might be lipemia
Anemia is below…toddler:female:male:neonates:toddlers have the least, but close to adult femalesneonates have the most
Anemia is below…toddler: 12female: 13male: 15neonates: 19
Another name for reticulocyte, NVno nucleus, reticulum with supravital stain
polychromatophillic erythrocyte, 0.5-1.5%still has RNA, basophillic and orangw
2 names for NRBC, last nucleated red cell normally in BM, pyknotic nucleus
MetarubricyteOrthochromatic normoblast-more orange due to almost being erythrocyte
Alternate name for…1.)Rubriblast2.)Prorubricyte3.)Rubricyteblast before Pro, Pro before, meta after
Alternate name for…1.)Rubriblast: Pro-normoblast2.)Prorubricyte: Basophillic normoblast3.)Rubricyte: Polychormatophilic normoblastPro 1st, basophillic, polychromatophilic
Stages of WBC:-Stage with primary nonspecific granules-Stage with secondary specific granules, oval nucleus-Stage with kidney bean nucleus
-Stage with primary nonspecific granules:Promyelocyte-Stage with secondary specific granules, oval nucleus: Myelocyte-Stage with kidney bean nucleus: metamyelocyte
Life span…PLT…RBC…PLTs located, %…
PLT 8-11 daysRBC 120PLTs located, %-blood 70%-spleen 30%
MCH:calculations, NV
MCH: Hmg/RBC x 10 = 28-32 pg-mean cell hmg/rbc-wt
Normal values: female versus malesRBC:WBC:Hmg:HCT:
RBC: 4-6 million-females 4-5, males 5-6WBC: 4-11 thousandHmg: 12-18-females 13-15-males 14-18HCT: 35-54-females 35-49-males 40-54
WBC NV:Total WBC:-absolute is % x totalSegsLymphsMonosBandsEosBaso
total wbc: 4-11 thousandSegs: 45-70, mostLymphs: 20-40Monos: 3-10Bands: 0-5Eos: 0-3Baso: 0-2, least
Diluent for WBC/PLT cts
ammonium oxalate
2 normal cells seen in CSF
arachnoid and choroidboth very large clumps, pink/blue/purple
Normal cell seen in pleural fluid
mesothelialnucleated, large, clumped, more round than synovial
normal cell seen in synovial/joint
synovial cells, nucleated, not as uniform as pleural mesothelial
Newborn hmg, %
F 50-80A1 20A2 1
What 3 things increase WBC
NRBC, large platelets, Cryoglobin-Based off granularity, size
Schistocytes: affect on RBC, plts
RBC decreased because counted as plts
3 things decrease plt1 thing increase plt
Decrease plt: clumps, satellitosis, giant PLTsIncrease: schistocytes-counted as plts not rbcs
Plt ct with sodium citrate DF
PAS stains which blasts…Chronic or acute…
conditions with target cells…1 not related to target…
Thallesemia, HmgpathiesIDA, post splenectomyLiver disease-Decreased hmgNot myelofibrosis
Diluent for wbc, plt…Reagent to diff myoglobin from hmg…
Diluent for wbc, plt…ammonium oxalate Reagent to diff myoglobin from hmg…Ammonium sulfate
Vit K dependent group called
Prothrombin group
Citrate agar: 6.2:slowest/cathod- to fastest/anode+
Citrate agar: 6.2:*slow(-) F,A,S,Cin some ways opposite of celluose acetate
MCV calc, NVRBC side nv
MCV: HCT/RBC x 10 = 80-100fL-In a volume of packed rbc, volume of rbc-volume: micro <80, macro>80-RBCs are 6-8 microns, <6 micro,>9macro
MCHC: calc, NV
MCHC: Hmg/HCT x 100= 32-36%-Hmg concentration in volume-color: hypo <32, hyper >36-percentage so smaller number on top->36 spherocytes
RDW: NV, indicates
RDW: 11-14.5, diff sizes/anisocytosis >15%
HCT: NV…Measures…
HCT: 35-54% packed cell volume
Hmg electrophoresis:nationality, migrates withD:E:G:
D: east indian, D-SE: Southeast asian, E-CG: Blacks, G-S
3 things that have leukopenia and 1 that has increased leukocytes
decreased:leukemia, viral, chemoincreased:leukemoid rxn
Myelocyte maturation from youngest to oldest
myeloblastpromyelocyte(pro b4 myelo)myelocytemetamyelocyte(meta after myelo)band
6 rbc inclusions
HJ bodiesPapemheimer bodies/siderocytes in PBBaso stippling/Shuffners dotsCabot ringHeinz bodies
Specific WBC that phagocytizes nucleoprotein in lupus erythematosus
NeutrophilLE cellcan also be macrophage
Characteristic findings:CLL:CML:ALL:AML:AMML:
CLL: smudge cells, sml BlymphsCML: Ph, basophilia, eosinophilia-decreased LAPALL: PAS+, MPO-, TdtAML: Auer rod, trans 8:21AMML: NASDA 3+, NaF 1+
what engulfs what…LE:Tart:Mott:
what engulfs what…LE: neutrophil,macro engults nucleoprotein-seen in lupusTart: mono/macrophage engulfs nuclearMott: plasma cell engulfs Ig, russel bodies
In reactive leukocytosis, absolute GRANULOCYTES are
> 7.0
ALL: -which one has heterogenous?-which one has vacuolization/abundant cyto?-which one seen in kids/homogenous?L1L2L3
L1: homogenous, kidsL2: heterogenous, adultsL3: vacuolization, abundant cyto, homoL1/L2: L is younger than L2, start out homoL3: odd one with vacuoles
AML:-granules? least to most?-Auer rod, DIC?-Mono?-Erythroblast? Megakaryoblast?M0:M1:M2:M3:M4/5:M6:M7:
AML:M0: no granulesM1: granulesM2: few/trace granulesM3: intense granules, DIC, AuerM4/5: monoM6: erythroblastM7: megakaryoblast
Waldenstrom versus Multiple Myeloma:both have increased…and….WM Ig…MM Ig…MM also has…issues
both have extra plasma cells/lymphs and rouleauxWM Ig MMM IgG and bone issues
Condition with -elevated WBC/segs, increased -ESR/fibrinogen-decreased iron
Hodgkins, Reed Sternberg
Tears, giant bizarre plts, increased uric acid most ass with