aabchemquick Flashcards
CEA;PSA:AFP: 4 related conditionsHCG: 3 related, composed of
CEA: oncofetal/fetal colon, corectalPSA: prostateAFP: -fetal liver-ovarian, testicular-neural tube defects: decreased Downs, increased neural tube/cancerHCG: composed of 2 noncovalently subunits alpha and beta-pregnacy-ovarian, testicular
CA15-3CA 27-29CA 19-9CA 125
CA15-3, 27-29 breast19-9 pancreatic, GICA125 ovarian
Water soluble vit names, associated conditions Pee out Bs, CsB1B2B3B6B7B9B12C
Water soluble vits, associated conditions Bs, CB1 thiamin, BeriberiB2 RiboflavinB3 Niacin, PellegraB6 PyridoxalB7 BiotinB9 folate megaloblasticB12 cobalamin, PA/IF*C scurvy
Fat soluble vitamins name, ass disease
ADEKA retinol, night blindlessD calciferol, rickets, hormoneE tocopherol, HA/antioxidantK phylloquinone, hemmorage/clots
Migration of protein from most anododic/anode to least/cathode…%…Albumin: most anodic at pH8.6-BCP less interference-water soluble and carries things/osmotic pressure-mostly decreased do to liver not making/not eating/kidney loss-only increase is dehydrationPrealbuin/transthytin will have faint band, nutrutional status
+Albumin, a1, a2, beta, gamma-albumin 65alpha1 2%alpha2 8%beta 10%gamma 15%*highest is albumin 65%, 2nd highst gamma 15%
Gamma globulins % from anode to cathode
albumin 65alpha1 2alpha2 8beta 10gamma 15
Proteins increased/decreased in…-decrease in nephrotic, malnutrion, liver disease, burns-increase proteins dehydration, MM/WM-viral hepatitis:-active cirrhosis:-nephrotic syndrome:-acute inflammation
Proteins increased/decreased in…-viral hepatitis: increased gamma, decreased albumin-active cirrhosis: beta-gamma bridgeincreased gamma, decreased albumin-nephrotic syndrome: increased alpha2, decreased albumindecreased gamma-acute inflammation: increase in alpha 2
Proteins in monoclonal versushypogamma
Mono: sharp increase in gammaHypo: no gamma
A/G calc
BUN: rises the fastest in acute renal failure, BUN to creatinine ratio…2 methods of BUN…-one not measuring ammonia-one measures ammonia
BUN: rises the fastest in acute renal failure, BUN to creatinine ratio…10:1-BUN is 1/2 of NPNs-urea made from protein, governed by renal fnc2 methods of BUN…-one not measuring ammonia:urea is measured w/diacetyl monoxime-one measures ammonia: ureaseammonia is measured with urease
Copper protein carrier…alpha 2 globulin-Condition where its decreased, excess copper storage-Condition where its decreased, but decreased serum copper
Ceruplasmin:-Copper protein carrier-alpha 2 globulin-acute phase, increased in inflammationWilsons: -decreased ceruplasmin, increased serum copper-Kayser Fleisher in corneaMenkes: -decreased ceruplasmin, decreased serum copper-males, kinky blond hair
Creatinine test name, reagent, color…Creatinine is used to measure…calc…alternate marker of GFR…
Creatinine:Jaffe, alkaline picrate, yellow redCreatinine used to measure GFR, clearance test-creatine to creatinine-little is reabsorbed, most excreted at a constant rate and passes into ultrafiltrateUcr x vol/Serum cr x 1440 mL/minalternate GFR marker is Cystatin C, made by all nucleated cells
Uric acid causes…seen in also…most uric acid is…Alkaline oxidation uses what reagent…Turns into…Uricase method uses …. at…nm …&….treatment with uricase…
Uric acid is breakdown of purine from nuclei, seen in gout, also leukemia/lesch nyhanmonosodium urateColorimetric method with an Alkaline oxidation reaction uses phosphotungistic acid which turns to tungten blueuricase uses UV adsorption at 290nm b4/after uricase
ammonia seen in…-heparin on icetested using 4 diff…
liver disease, reyes, encephalopathyISE, pHspectro=blue dyeEnzyme=GLDH, NADNessler
Disaccharides composed of…-maltose:-lactose:-sucrose:Monosaccharide-hexose:
Sugars composed of…-maltose: glucose, glucose-lactose: glucose, galactoselac=galac-sucrose: glucose, fructosesu=fru-hexose: monosaccharide with 6 Cs
Renal thresold for glucose…normal fasting glucose…Diabetes:-fasting:-non/2hr:-A1C:test best for prenatal with borderline blood glucose…
Renal thresold for glucose…160-180mg/dLnormal fasting 70-110Diabetes:-fasting: 126-non/2hr: 200-A1C: 6.5Nterminus valine, 2-3mth pictureprenatal 3hr gtt
Cystatin versus Cpeptide
Cystatin: gfr, in nucleated cellsCpeptide: endogenous production of insulin
What cells make in regards to glucose regulationalpha:beta:delta:Specimen for glucose test…
What cells make in regards to glucose regulationalpha: glucagonbeta: insulin (decreases)delta: stomatostatinfluorinated plasma(grey top)-inhibits glycolysis
Glucose increased or decreased…-VonGierke:-diabetes insipidus:-diabetes mellitus:-Hashimoto:-Cushings:
Glucose increased or decreased…-VonGierke: decreasedglycogen storage disorder-insulinoma: decreasedtumor makes too much insulin-diabetes insipidus: normalnot enough ADH-diabetes mellitus: increasedinsulin issue-Hashimoto: increaseddecreased metabolism-Cushings: increaseddue to increased cortisol
2 tests for glucose, use fluorinated plasma…both have coupled enzyme…
Glucose oxidase-oxidase, perioxidase-oxidize chromagen, colorimetric*contamination with catalaseHexokinase:-hexokinase, G6PD-NAD reduced to NADH, read at 340nm
Storage lipids being used a primary source of energy will cause urinary…
Reagent and name used in urobilinogen testing…What is used to distinguish urobilinogen from porphobilinogen since they’re both red w/Erlichs reagent…
pDMAB p-di-methyl-amino-benzaldehydeErlichChloroform: urobilinogen is soluble in chloroform but porphobilinogen isn’t and is in lower phase
2 methods for glucose: both use coupled enzymes-Which one most frequent automated…what are the two enzymes-Which one uses reduced coenzyme at 340…what are two enzymes
Glucoseautomated: glucose oxidase-oxidase, peroxidase, oxidize chromagenCoenzyme at 340, hexokinase-hexokinase, G6PD-NAD reduced to NADH at 340
Protein that transport bilirubin to liver…-bili is breakdown of hmg-protect from lightindirect bili…direct bili…form thats in intestine…Two bilirubin test names:-diazotized, caffeine-uses methonal, affected by hemolysis
Protein that transport bilirubin to liver…albuminindirect bili…unconjuateddirect bili…conjugated, diglucuronide-increased with hmg breakdownform thats in intestine…urobilinogenTwo bilirubin test names:-diazotized, caffeine: Jendrassik Grof-uses methonal, affected by hemolysis: Evelyn Malloy-biliverdin: oxidized billi, green in RE system-urobilin: oxidized from urobilinogen excreted in stool/stercobilin; also makes yellow color to kidney for urine
Jaundice type:-increased unconjugated, increased urine urobilinogen-everything increased, billi/urobili in urine-unconjugated normal, conjugated increased, urobilinogen decreased
Jaundice type:Preheptatic: hemolytic-increased unconjugated, increased urine urobilinogenHepatic-everything increased, billi/urobili in urinePost hepatic, obstruction:-unconjugated normal, conjugated increased, urobilinogen decreased
3 disorders of bilirubin related to reduced enzyme or bili transport issues…which one involved in kernicterus…
GilbertCrigler Najjar: kernicterusDublin Johnson: bili transport issue
Enzymes: biological catalysts, measured in…Isoenzymes:Each isoenzyme…-have different electrophoretic properties/diff mobility rates-have different structures-have different rate of rxns-have different rxns to chemical inhibitors-BUT, have the same substrateMetal ions act as…in enzymatic rxns…Rate of conversion of substrate to product is determined by substrate concen and rate of dissociation of complex…Zero order rxn is….
Enzymes: biological catalysts, measured in…IU/L or micromol/LIsoenzymes:Each isoenzyme…-have different electrophoretic properties/diff mobility rates-have different structures-have different rate of rxns-have different rxns to chemical inhibitors-BUT, have the same substrateMetal ions act as activators of enzymes in enzymatic rxnsRate of conversion of substrate to product is determined by substrate concen and rate of dissociation of complex…Michaelis MentenZero order rxn is….all enzyme bound to substrate-large excess substrate leads to enzyme being only rate limiting
LD: catalyzes lactate+NAD to pyruvate+NADHmost greatly affected by hemolysisOrder from slowest to fastest…-LD that is highest in heart:-heart attach LD patterm:-Pernicious anemia LDs:-Liver LD
LD1 fastest, L2,L3,L4, L5 slowestLD1: highest in heart, heat stabile, fastest/most neg chargedLD1/2 flipped is heart attackLD1,2,3 is pernicious anemiaLD4,5 Liver, skeletalLD5:slowest, most positively charged
CK in muscles,When start to rise, when normal…conditions…isoenzymes: fastest to slowest, location
CK rises 2-4hrs, normal 2-4 daysSeen in heart attach, muscular dystrophy, exerciseCKBB fastest, brainCKMB 2nd, AMICKMM slowest, muscle
First protein to rise in heart attack, rise/normal…2nd to rise, normal…3rd to rise, normal…
Myoglobin: 30min, 24hrs-striated skeletal muscle/cardiaCK: 2-4hrs, 2-4daysTroponin: 4-8hrs, 10 days-complex of TnT,TnI (also C)-striated/cardiacLD similar to TroponinAldolase stays the longest
Enzyme related to CHF…Enzyme specific to liver…3 enzymes related to muscular dystrophy…3 enzymes in biliary obstruction…1most sensitive to obstructive jaundice…bone enzymeprostatic disease…alcoholics…
CHF: BNPLiver specific: ALT-nonspecific: ast,alp,ggt,ldMuscular dystrophy: aldolase, AST, CKMMbiliary obstruction: alp, ggt, 5nt1most sensitive to obstructive jaundice…ALPbone alp-pagets, osteomalacia, rickets , pregoprostatic: acid phosphatase, ph5.0alcoholics. GGT
AST elevated in these 3aldolase highest in..
muscle (dystrophy, heart)liveraldolase highest in muscular dystrophy
enzyme in mumps…enzyme specific for acute pancreatitis…4 pancreatic conditions…
mumps: amylasepancreatitis: lipase-cystic fibrosis: mucous dysfuction-cancer 19-9-insulin resistance-gastrinoma, ZollingerEllison
lipase:name of test..uses what for substrate…lipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of….into…
Cherry-Crandall, olive oillipase hydrolyzes triglycerides in olive oil into glycerol
3 methods for calcium:use heparanized plasma (green top)One is named…and calcium precipitated as…One is complexometric EDTA, and this is adjusted to prevent interference from magnesiumOne uses atomic adsportion and uses lanthanum to bind….
3 methods for calcium:One is named…and calcium precipitated as…Clark CollipC=Clark, C=CollipOne is complexometric EDTA, and this is adjusted to prevent interference from magnesium…ph adjusted with 8hydroxy-quinolineOne uses atomic adsportion and uses lanthanum to bind….phosphate*magnesium and phosphate can interfere with calcium, so pH and lanthanum are to help
Calcium is affected by..and…collect in…increased by these two, decreased by one..
ph, proteincollect in heparanized plasma, green top45%bound to protein, 45 ionized/active, 10 complexedincreased by PTH, Vit Ddecreased calcitonin
Decreased Ca…hypo PTH, vit D defhypo mag, hypo albumintetany
Increased Ca…hyper PTH, vit D excessMalig
Phosphorus at pH7.4 most in…reagent used in inorganic phosphate colorimetric method…what two things increase Phosphoruswhat decreases it
bonemolybdate, molybedum bluePTH decreases phosphorus, opposite of CaCacitonin increased PTH, opposite of CaVit D increases phosphate(and Ca)
Decreased Phosphate…hyper PTH, antacids, dextrose
Increased Phosphate…hypo PTH, renal failure
Major extracellular cation…Major extracellular anion…Major intracellular cation…Major intracellular anion…
Major extracellular cation…NaMajor extracellular anion…ClMajor intracellular cation…KMajor intracellular anion…Phos
NVNa:K:CO2:Cl:BUN:Creatitinine:Glucose:sign of saline contamination:
NVNa: 135-145 major extracellular cationK: 3.5-4.5 major intra-cellular cation-valinomycinCO2: 23-29 (not urine)Cl: 98-106 major extra-cellular anionBUN: 6-20Creatitinine: 0.7-1.5Glucose: 70-110sign of saline contamination:increased Na/Cl, decreased K
Things that cause low chloride…Things that cause high chloirde…
low cl:-vomit, diarrhea, sweat, kidney loss-metabolic alkalosis(increase HCO3)high cl:-Iv contamination-metabolic acidosis(decrease HCO3)
Cl NVTwo titration methods, -Cl measured by time needed to reach titration end point-which method measures excess Hg which reacts to form violet
Coulometric amperometric/titration:-Silver, ClSchales Schales mercurimetric:-excess Hg react to form violet
Magnesium…reagent called..interference with calcium method…use…to prevent…
Magnesium…reagent called..titan yellow, dye lakeinterference with calcium method, adjust pH to prevent interference in calcium by using 8hydroxyquinoline
Electrodes:PH:pCO2:pO2:Henderson-Hasselbach equation for pH…Normal ph..acidosis..alkalosis..bicarb:acid ratio…
Electrodes:PH: glass, H+pCO2: ph electrode w/membrane, not H+ but dissolved CO2pO2: platinum w/silver/Cl, amperometricHenderson-Hasselbach equation for pH…-pH=pka+log(salt/acid) or (A)+(HA)Normal ph..7.35-7.45acidosis..<7.35alkalosis..>7.45ratio bicarb:acid 20:1
Spectrophotometer QC of wavelength uses….To get UV range use…atomic adsorption spectrophotometry uses this as light source….
Wavelengh QC uses holomium glass filterUV range uses quartz cuvetteatomic adsorption spectrophotometry uses cathode lamp for light
Potentiametry: free ions, electrical potentialAmperometry: single potential, currentCoulometry: coulombsPolarography: current, applied voltageimmunoelectrophoresis: must be excess antibody and constant trough distance
Immunoassays:-radio: tracer/tag/label, counter-enzyme: horshradish, alp, g6pd-fluoresncent: fluorescein isothiocynate-chemiluminescent: chemical, light
Name of stationary phase, gas/liquid, height measured…Name of absorbant coated/solvent, screen for drugs/urine, has Rf(drug/solvent distance)…what adds sensitivity and specificity…
Name of stationary phase, gas/liquid, height measured…HPLC high performance liquid chromatographyName of absorbant coated/solvent, screen for drugs/urine, has Rf(drug/solvent distance)…TLC thin layer chromatographywhat adds sensitivity and specificity…M/S for gas
Porter Silber uses Phenyl-hydrazine to detect…Metabolite of androgens, Zimmerman detects…
Porter Silber uses Phenyl-hydrazine to detect…corticosteridsPorter=P=Phenyl=cortiMetabolite of androgens, Zimmerman detects…17KSZimmerman does 17KSPorter and Zimmerman do cortico-keto steroids
3 catecholamines adrenal medulla make:which ones have VMA, which one HVA
epi, norepi=VMAdopamine=HVA
Calcium versus Phosphorus, PTHPTH increases: Calcium, Vit D-PTH stimulates renal production of VitDPTH decreases: phosphateVit D increases: Calcium and phosphateCalcitonin increases: phosphateCalcitionin decreases: calcicium
Calcium:PTH, VitD increasecalcitonin decreasePhosphate:VitD, calcitonin increasePTH decreaseCalcitonin decreases calciumPTH decrease PTH
methods for confirmation of drugs that are pos screens
gas chromatography and M/S
cyclo, tacro, siro
anti epileptic
phenobarbitolphenytoinvalproic acidcarbamazepineethosuximide
liproproteins from lighest to heavist:lipoprotein electrophoresis namesHDL:VLDL:LDL:migration from origin..
lighests chylo, vldl, ldl, hdllipoprotein electrophoresis namesHDL: alphaVLDL: prebetaLDL: betamigration from origin/cathod(-)chylo, beta, prebeta, alpha
Friedewald formula for LDL…elevated LDL/beta leads too…calculation of coronary risk index needs these two…Goals:TC:LDL:Trig:HDL:fast 12-16hrs
Friedewald formula for LDL…LDL=TC-(TG/5+HDL)elevated LDL/beta leads too…cardiovascular diseasecalculation of coronary risk index needs these two…TC, HDLGoals:TC: <200LDL: <100Trig: <150HDL: >35/60Apolipoproteins:HDL=ALDL/VLDL=B100chylo=B48
2 methods for fat:cholesterol: 90% liver, steroidsname, reagents, what does saponification step do triglyceride: 90% diet-enzyme, what is liberated
Liebermann Burchard:cholesterol-a.a., s.a.-saponification frees esters (chol-ester-ol)triglyceride:-lipase catlyzes hydrolysis of triglyceride into glycerol (tri-glycer-ide)
Polar hydrophiilic and nonpolar hydrophobic fatty acid chains, make up cell membraines-lecithin, sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl glycerolLong chain unsaturated fatty acids, activates/inactivates inflammation; stimulates clotting, cervix dilation/contractions
Phospholipids:Polar hydrophiilic and nonpolar hydrophobic fatty acid chains, make up cell membraines-lecithin, sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl glycerolProstaglandins: PGLong chain unsaturated fatty acids, activates/inactivates inflammation; stimulates clotting, cervix dilation/contractions
Urine PH 4.5-8Urine left at RT: alkalineincreaseddecreased
Urine RT:increased-nitrite/bacteria, turbidity-pH=ammonia normal is 4.5-6-false pos protein (increased pH)decreased-glucose(bacteria)-ketones, bili, urobilinogen -cells/casts lyse
smokey/red brown..dark red…dark yellow..dark yellow/orange/amber…brown black on standing…cloudy in freshly voided…
smokey/red brown..rbc, myoglobin,hmgdark red…poryrin, port winedark yellow..urobilinogendark yellow/orange/amber…bili, pyridumbrown black…homogentistic acid, melanincloudy freshly voided…wbcs
3 methods for sg
reagent strip (colorimetric)refractometerharmonic oscillation-densitometry, current
Casts made of formed in
made of tammhorsfall, distal convoluted tubule
CSF protein NV, what % plasma glucosenormal lymph versus mono
15-45 protein, 60% glucose70 lymph, 30 mono
Spermml, live, motile, #
2-5ml, 75 alive, 50 motile, 20-250million
Main reason for false negatives in urine
vit C-glucose, blood, bili, nitrite
Bleach and pigment will usuall cause false
posglucose, ketones, blood, bili, uro, leuko
4 protein methods for serum protein
Biuret: 2+ peptide bondsDye binding: albumin, -bromthymol/coomassie blue-Ponceau, amidoKjeldahl: nitrogenrefractometry: refractive index
two alpha 2 proteins that are acute phase proteins…one binds hmg the other copperlarge alpha 2 protein seen in nephrotic syndrome
haptoglobin, ceruplasminalpha1macroglobin
Most iron is in…storage form..transport iron…in muscles…
Most iron is in…hmgstorage form..ferritintransport iron…transferrinin muscles…myoglobin
renin…LH…FSH….HCG secreted by…-2 NON-indentical, NON-convalently bound subunits(alpha, beta)-highest in first trimester, seen w/in daysCorpus luteum makes this to maintain HCG and prepare uterus…
renin contorls BPLH induces ovulationFSH deal with egg/sperm, secretion of estrogen and testosteroneHCG placentaProgesterone maintains HCG, uterus
Catecholamines: metabolites, tumors
Epi/norepi: VMA-PheoDopamine: HVA-Neuro
Name ofT3, T4, TBG, what binds to T4,measured by3 best indicatiors for hypothyroidism
T3 triodothyronineT4 thyroxineThyroid binding globulin-binds to T4,Measured by T3uptakebest to use s-TSH, TT4,FT4
Hormone in bone/calcium metabolism..Hormone that stimulates renal to make VitD….
Hormone in bone/calcium metabolism…calcitoninHormone that stimulates renal to make VitD….PTH