A&P Chapter 14 Flashcards
The automatic nervous system consists of motor neurons that do what?
- Innervate smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands
- Make adjustments to ensure optimal support for body activities
- Operate by subconscious control
What are examples of the ANS making adjustments to ensure optimal support for body activities?
Shunts blood to areas that need it, adjusts heart rate, blood pressure, and digestive processes
What are the neurotransmitter effects of the somatic nervous system?
All somatic motor neurons release acetylcholine. The effect is always stimulatory
What are the neurotransmitter effects of the ANS?
-Preganglionic fibers release ACh
-Postganglionic fibers release norepinephrine or ACh at effectors
-Effect is either stimulatory or inhibitory, depending on the type of receptors
What are the two divisions of the ANS?
Parasympathetic and Sympathetic
What does the parasympathetic division do?
Maintenance functions, conserves energy
What does the sympathetic division do?
Mobilizes body during activity
What is dual innervation?
All visceral organs are served by both divisions, but these divisions cause opposite effects
_____ ______ between these two divisions maintains homeostasis
Dynamic antagonism
What does the parasympathetic division do? (More in depth)
Keeps body energy use as low as possible, even while carrying out maintenance activities. Directs digestion, diuresis, and defecation
What is the parasympathetic division referred to as?
Rest-and-digest system
What is an example of what occurs with the parasympathetic system when a person is relaxing and reading after a meal?
- Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rates are low
- Gastrointestinal tract activity is high
- Pupils are constricted, lenses accommodated for close vision
The sympathetic division is referred to as what?
Fight-or-flight system
What actions activates the sympathetic division?
Exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment
What are examples of the symptoms caused by the sympathetic division?
Increased heart rate, dry mouth, cold & sweaty skin, dilated pupils
What is an example of what occurs with the sympathetic system during vigorous physical activity?
- Shunts blood to skeletal muscles and heart
- Dilates bronchioles
- Causes liver to release glucose