7a Catullus 4 Latin to English Flashcards
aequor, -oris, n.
the sea
aiô (defective verb)
say, declare (used mainly in present and imperfect)
Amastris, Amastris, f.
a city in Paphlagonia, on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor
before, previously
aura, -ae, f.
breeze, (breath of) air
aurum, -î, n.
buxifer, buxifera, buxiferum
boxwood bearing
cacûmen, -inis, n.
peak, point, tip
Castor, oris, m.
Castor, twin brother of Pollux
celer, -eris, -ere
cognitus,a, um
known; sexually intimate (perf. part. of cognosco)
coma, -ae, f.
hair; foliage
comâtus, a, um
Cyclas, Cycladis, f.
an island in the Cyclades
Cytōrius, a, um
of Mt. Cytorus (in Asia Minor)
Cytōrus, î, m.
Mt. Cytorus, in Asia Minor
dêdicô (1)
proclaim, declare; dedicate, devote to
deus, -î, m. (nom. pl. dî and deî)
dexter, -tra (-tera), -trum
right (hand)
* dîcô, -ere, dîxî, dictus *
say, tell
* edô, -ere (or esse), êdî, êsus *
* edô, -ere, -didî, -ditum *
bring forth; publish
erus, -î, m.
master of the house
* ferô, ferre, tulî, lâtus *
bear, endure; carry, bring