20a Catullus 64 47-70 Latin to English Flashcards
alga, -ae, f.
allûdô, -ere, -lûsî, -lûsum
play, joke; (of waves) play against
amictus, -ûs, m.
garment, robe
Ariadna, -ae, f.
Ariadne (daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë)
ars, artis, f.
skill, art
Bacchans, -antis, f.
a Bacchant, a Maenad
bacchor, -ârî
celebrate the rites of Bacchus; act like a Bacchant
cêdô, -ere, cessî, cessûrus
go (away); give way; yield
cernô, -ere, crêvî, crêtus
distinguish, behold
classis, -is, f.
conchylium, -î, n. (the y is long)
mollusc; the shellfish that gives purple dye; purple dye
contegô, -ere, -texî, -tectum
cover up; shelter
cor, cordis, n.
dêlâbor, -lâbî, -lapsus
fall down, sink
dêns, dentis, m.
dêserô, -ere, -seruî, -sertus
desert, abandon
dêsertus, a, um
deserted; lonely
Dîa, -ae, f.
an island in the Aegean; usually identified as Naxos
dîvus (dius) -a, -um
divine; (subst.) god, goddess
effigiês, -êî, f.
statue, effigy
oh!, alas!
fallax, -âcis
deceptive, fallacious
flâvus, -a, -um
fluctuô (1)
surge like a wave; be in turmoil
fluentisonus, a, um
resounding with the noise of the sea
fluitô (1)
flow; float, drift
fûcus, -î, m.
rock-lichin; red or purple; rouge; dross, adulteration; pretence,deceit
geniâlis, -e
of a person’s genius; of marriage
gerô, -ere, gessî, gestus
carry; carry on, wage
immemor, -oris
indicô, -ere, -dîxî, -dîctus
proclaim, declare
irritus (inritus), a, um
not ratified; null and void; empty
lactens, lactentis, adj.
full of milk; tender
locô (1)
place, lay; set up, marry off
medius, -a, -um
middle (of)
Mînôïs, -idis, f.
a daughter of Minos; Ariadne
mitra, -ae, f.
a miter, a turban
and not yet; but not yet
papilla, -ae, f.
nipple; breast
here and there, in all directions
pendeô, -êre, pependî, —
hang, be suspended
pendô, -ere, pependî, pênsus
pay; weigh
perditus, a, um
ruined, depraved
poliô, -îre, -îvî, -îtum
procella, -ae, f.
storm, gale
prômissum, -î, n.
promise, assurance
prômittô, -ere, -mîsî, -missum
prospectô (1)
gaze out
prospiciô, -ere, -spexî, -spectum
see far off; forsee
pulvinar, -âris, n.
a couch on which statues of the gods were placed for ritual banquets
purpura, -ae, f.
crimson, purple
sal, salis, n.
salt; sea
saxeus, a, um
made of stone
sêdês, -is, f.
seat, abode, home
strophium, -iî, n.
a breast-band
subtîlis, e
fine-textured, delicate
tegô, -ere, têxî, têctus
cover; protect
teres, teretis
smooth, rounded
Thêseus (two syllables), -î, m. (acc. Thêsea; voc. Thêseu)
tingô (or tinguô), -ere, tînxî, tînctus
wet, dip, dye
tueor, tuêrî, tuitus or tûtus
watch over, guard, protect
as one might expect, as is natural
variô (1)
adorn with contrasting colors; embroider; mottle, bruise
vêlô (1)
veil, cover over
in truth, in fact
vicis, -is, f.
alternation, change; change of fate
vinciô, -îre, vînxî, vînctus
virtûs, -ûtis, f.
valor, courage; (pl.) virtues