15b Catullus 46, 48, 56, 58, 70, 85 Latin to English Flashcards
lukewarm; cool; chilly, cold
êgelidus, a, um
a gentle warmth, tepidity, tepor
tepor, tepôris, m.
of the equinox
aequinoctiâlis, e
the west wind
Zephyrus, -î, m.
become quiet
silesco, silescere
field, territory
ager, agrî, m.
clear, famous
clârus, -a, -um
the continent of Asia, esp. Asia Minor; Persia; Troy; the Roman province of Asia
Asia, -ae, f.
trembling greatly; very hasty
praetrepidans, antis (adj.)
wish, desire, long for
aveô, -êre (2)
wander, roam about
vagor, -ârî, -âtus
eagerness, enthusiasm
studium, -î, n.
foot-soldier; (pl.) infantry
pedes, -itis, m.
become lively, bloom, flourish
vigesco, vigescere, vigui
meeting, gathering
coetus (coitus), -ûs, m.
set out, start, depart
- proficîscor, proficîscî, profectus *
separated; diverse, different
diversus (divorsus), -a, -um
with diverse colors; differently, in various ways
way, road
via, -ae f.
carry back
reporto (1)
allow, permit
- sinô, -ere, sîvî, situs *
to kiss
bâsio (1)
numquam (nunquam)
full of food, sated; rich, abundant
satur, satura, saturum
thick, dense
dênsus, -a, -um
a cornfield, a field of grain
seges, segetis, f.
a kissing
osculâtiô, ônis, f
a cross-road; the four mathematical sciences
quadrivium (quâdrivium), ii, n.
narrow street, lane, alley
angiportus, -ûs, m (angiportum), -î, n.
deprive of its bark, peel; gratify a man sexually
glûbo, glûbere
magnanimus, a, um
(of women) marry
- nûbô, -ere, nupsî, nuptum *
(be more willing), prefer
- mâlô, mâlle, mâluî, — *
it is proper, (one) ought
oportet, -êre, oportuit (impers.)
aqua, -ae f.
ôdî, ôdisse (defective)
perhaps, perchance
torture, rack, plague; afflict, torment
excrucio (1)
it befits, it matters it profits (impersonal)
rêfert (rê fert)
M. Caelius Rufus (87 – 48 BC)
Caelius, i, m.
udder; fertility
ûber, -eris, n.
full, fruitful
ûber, -eris
ear of grain
arista, -ae, f.
rêmus, -i, m.
the brother of Romulus
Remus, i. m
ventus, -î, m.
veniô, -îre, vênî, ventum