7 day NHS Flashcards
When was the 7-Day NHS plan introduced?
2015 under Cameron
What research motivated the plan?
The research found that there was increased mortality of patients admitted at the weekend. However, it is important to remember that there is a multitude of factors that could contribute to the excess deaths.
What is the difference in mortality between patients admitted on a Wednesday vs a Sunday?
Patients are 16% more likely to die if they are admitted on a Sunday compared with a Wednesday.
What motivations exist for consultants?
Under the proposals, consultants will not be expected to work increased hours or work any more than 13 weekends (approximately 1 in 4) in a year. Doctors will still continue to receive a significantly higher rate for working unsocial hours.
Doctors working in some of the toughest areas in the NHS, such as A&E and obstetrics, will receive increased pay and benefits, and there will be faster pay progression for all consultants early on in their career. Under the new proposals, the highest performing consultants could be able to receive up to £30,000 a year in bonus payments, on top of their base salary. The average pay for experienced consultants could rise to £130,000 under these proposals.
What the 4 main aims of a 7-day NHS?
All patients admitted as an emergency must be seen by a consultant within 14 hours of arrival at a hospital
There must be 7-day access to diagnostic services (for example, X-ray, CT)
Patients must have access to consultant-directed interventions 7-days a week (examples include emergency general surgery and critical care)
Patients in high-dependency areas of the hospital must be seen by a consultant twice daily, and once taken to a general ward in the hospital, they must be seen every 24 hours by a consultant
How might the 7-Day NHS affect waiting times?
May alleviate pressure by spreading the demand across 7 days rather than heavily relying on the weekdays.
What are the challenges of a 7-Day NHS?
- Vagueness of goals: what classes as an emergency?
- Staffing issues may make 7-Day services impossible.
- NHS is already underfunded, hard to broaden its services evern more.
How can the 7-Day NHS be considered using the 4 pillars of medical ethics?
- Autonomy: patients right to have access to treatment on any day of the week.
- Non-maleficence/beneficence: increasing access to care will result in a reduction of harm.
- Justice: all patients should receive the same level of care, regardless of the day of their admission/discharge.