600-37 Tactical Withdrawals and Emergency Retreats Flashcards
Situations that may require an emergency retreat or tactical withdrawal
Desired change in tactics, rapid deterioration of fire conditions, or imminent threat of collapse
A rapid but orderly withdrawal of personnel from inside a building or hazard area
Tactical Withdrawal
When tactical withdrawal called
All lines should be back out of the building, suppression efforts should resume from exterior after all crews are confirmed out and PAR’s are completed
Do tactical withdrawals require the use of retreat tones and sounding of air horns?
Situation that will require all personnel to immediately abandon their position and current assignment and exit the building
Emergency Retreat
In which condition should interior attack lines be left in place unless they are needed to protect retreating crews
Emergency Retreat
The use of emergency retreat command shall include
Emergency retreat tones from dispatch, and the sounding of air horns for 15 seconds
The area in and around the structure where there is a potential to be struck by building components if and/or when building collapses
Collapse zone
Collapse zone is measured as
Horizontally the distance of the vertical wall height
The States also refers to the Collapse Zone as the
“Exclusionary Zone”
Tactical Withdrawal shall be executed using the following procedures
- Make a general command statement
- request 5 second alert tone
- Make another general command statement
- Begin a PAR check, confirm all units are out of hazard area
- Complete PAR of all additional units
- Once PAR is complete, ask for another 5 second alert tone
- Make another command statement and restate the mode of operation
Command Statement for tactical withdrawal
Command to all units operating at 456 Main St, make a tactical withdrawal from the building, and standby for a PAR check
Command Statement for Emergency Retreat
Command emergency traffic, all units operating at 456 Main St. an emergency retreat has been ordered, evacuate the building immediately and stand by for a PAR check
One of the major differences between an emergency retreat and tactical withdrawal is
The level of suppression support and operations that will continue during the evacuation
An example of tactical withdrawal
crews continue suppression efforts to protect egress during evacuation
An example of emergency retreat
Crews focus on their own safety and exit the structure immediately using quickest means of egress
Discretion shall be used when requesting __ during mayday operations
Emergency retreat tones, air horns
The sounding of the air horns shall occur
Simultaneous to the emergency retreat tones